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Ascending in Validating Dafa

February 18, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Jilin Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained the Fa in 1994 and I am a veteran practitioner. The person who guided me to obtain the Fa was my supervisor. I had a bad mentality of catering to the tastes of my boss at the time. After I finished reading Falun Gong, I didn't understand much. The only thing I understood was that it taught people to cultivate themselves, and that one should not fight back if hit or insulted and to become a good person. Everybody would benefit from the book. As I continued to practice, I found that I changed without noticing. I was regarded as shrewish at work and at home before I started the practice. In time I learned to take fame, gain, and sentimentality lightly, and my life became simple and easy. I did the five exercises every day and I became stronger. The insomnia and heart problems I had suffered for many years disappeared. I experienced the extraordinary nature of Dafa and I could never give it up.

1. Speaking Out with Righteous Thoughts

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. A feeling of terror blanketed the country. Like other practitioners, I went to the provincial capital and Beijing to try to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and state the facts. However, it wasn't that the CCP didn't know the truth of Falun Gong. It was an evil plot to destroy Falun Gong. They didn't let practitioners talk and even employed the military to attack practitioners. They also sent back truckloads of practitioners who went to appeal. I didn't get to Beijing and was escorted back by local police officers. I was confined for a day at my work unit and got to go home after that. My boss and colleagues looked at me with suspicion.

At the end of 1999, several Party officials of the company told me to go to the Party secretary's office. They talked about the TV program that defamed Falun Gong, taunted Dafa and Master, and assessed Dafa's future based on their “political sensitivity.” In the end they told me to realize what the situation was and to give up the practice. I felt sad that they had taunted Dafa and Master like that. I argued strongly on just grounds, told them about the goodness of Dafa, and how I had benefited from the practice. They didn't listen and said fiercely, “Do you dare write down what you said on paper? We will send it to the upper level officials and you will be fired.” I said, “Yes, I do.” They brought me a pen and paper. Without hesitation, I wrote, “Falun Dafa is great! Restore Master's innocence!” Then I signed my name. Everybody was shocked. I still went to work as usual after that. They didn't do anything bad to me. I knew it was Master who had helped me through the tribulation.

2. Distributing Falun Gong Pamphlets, Exposing the CCP's Lies, and Saving Sentient Beings

Since July 20, 1999, the CCP's media has been full of propaganda that defames Falun Gong, and everybody has been poisoned by it. Master said,

“Let me tell you, when this Fa-rectification matter is over, humankind will enter the next stage, and those people and beings who in their minds think that the Great Fa of the cosmos isn’t good will be the first weeded out. ” (“Teaching the Fa at the Great Lakes Fa Conference in North America”)

I was worried and distressed. In order to let more people know the truth and be saved, I started distributing truth-clarification materials to households.

We were short of materials at the time. We only had single-page fliers and they looked like an everyday person's advertisement. I knew that even these single-page fliers were produced by fellow practitioners who risked their lives and worked under tremendous pressures, so I should do what I could to make them the most effective to save people. Before distributing the fliers, I always put them into an envelope and put a good-luck symbol on it. Before long, a variety of truth-clarification materials had been distributed all over the city. The authorities were afraid that people would learn the truth, so they went after and arrested the practitioners who distributed the materials. They also told the security guards and cleaners to collect and destroy the materials. To protect the materials, I bought red paper to wrap the CDs and pamphlets. I stuffed the package behind the “Fu” (Good-Luck) character on people's doors. I let a tiny corner show so that people will see it when they opened the door.

Over the years, I have been distributing materials with all my available time. I have been to all the high streets and back lanes of the city. I have been to some of the buildings countless times. When I was thirsty and tired, I would recite Master's poem “Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions” from Hong Yin II

“A Great Enlightened One fears no hardship
Having forged an adamantine will
Free of attachment to living or dying
He walks the path of Fa-rectification - confident and poised”

Many times when we walked to distribute materials, we didn't realize that we had walked more than ten li. I had blisters on both feet when I got home. I once walked about 12 li, and went to about 16 building units and climbed up to the sixth floor (the top level) every time. It was even hard even for me to believe. After all, I am a woman in my 50s. Where did such great strength come from? I knew that it was all done with Master's help.

3. Clarify the Truth and Help People Quit the CCP with Dignity

At the end of 2004, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published. My fellow practitioners and I started to help people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. It is not an easy thing for today's Chinese people who are deeply poisoned by the CCP. Chinese people have been educated with the CCP's atheism from elementary school through college and are immersed in the Party culture all the time. They don't believe in the divine. Hence, they don't believe that divine beings are going to destroy the CCP. Some people are disgusted with the CCP but are also afraid of the CCP's despotic power and dare not quit. Some people are deeply poisoned and don't want to hear the truth. They even swear at you with unkind words and want to report you to the police. However, we are Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. Assisting Master with Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings was our great aspiration when we came, and that is one big thing Master has arranged. Master has told us in many lectures to save more people. How can we not be worthy of Master's great trust in us?

I started with my family and relatives and helped them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Then I talked to my classmates, teachers, neighbors, classmates' classmates, relatives' relatives, and friends' friends. Then I talked to strangers on the streets. It's harder to clarify the truth to strangers. You shouldn't be in a hurry, or people will think that you speak in tongues. You shouldn't be slow, since people don't have time to listen to a stranger's chatter. It's very important to time yourself well and clarify the truth appropriately. Dafa endowed me with wisdom through years of Fa-study and cultivation. I also deliberately study everyday people's knowledge in order to broaden my own. I can easily start a conversation with people from different levels of society and find a breakthrough point quickly. I then clarify the truth and help them quit the CCP. I have a high success rate.

I have been to schools, stores ,and hospitals to clarify the truth. Master saw my heart for saving people and gave me a job that is good for clarifying the truth. I sit in a big hall and face a shifting crowd every day. Master brings to me those who have a predestined relationship. I interact with all kinds of people every day and am not moved by them. I always talk to them calmly and compassionately. I use different approaches and different angles to answer their questions and address their misunderstandings about Dafa and tell them about the goodness of Dafa. Some people said they didn't dare read the Falun Gong materials even though they received them. I told them, “I always read those Falun Gong materials carefully. They are very well written and are full of truth. Those Falun Gong practitioners take great care to send it to your home. Why don't you dare to read the materials? Falun Gong has been severely persecuted for so many years. Why don't they give up? Why are more and more people abroad practicing it?” Most people agree with me. My fellow practitioners say that my job is a “Service Center for Quitting the CCP.”

The evil has tried to stop us from saving people with all means. The new secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection didn't know the truth and came to interfere with me. He is a young man and was poisoned by the CCP propaganda. The police also pressured him. He had a bad attitude toward me and was hostile. He thought I was ignorant. He showed hatred to Dafa during our conversation and had a look of superiority. I was really behind the eight ball at the time, and I started to feel afraid. I thought that I should avoid him and clarify the truth moderately. Another practitioner pointed out to me that my cultivation state wasn't good. She told me to send more righteous thoughts and do more Fa-study. Master said, “Once a problem comes up somewhere, that's where you need to go clarify the facts. Don't avoid it, no matter how evil it comes across.” (“Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference”) Those words woke me up like a hammer. I decided to clarify the truth to him in depth and save him. I went to his office the following day. I told him how I benefited from cultivation and about the goodness of Dafa and why the CCP persecutes it. Even though he yelled a couple of times during our conversation, I could tell that he was shocked by the facts. More recently, my wisdom and unselfish attitude have changed him. He is respectful to me now.

Several practitioners were arrested in my city in 2006. One of the practitioners' mothers is also a practitioner. She and I went to the National Security Division and City People's Congress to clarify the truth and ask for the release of the detained practitioners. We also went to about seven law offices to hire a lawyer. Every place we went, we clarified the truth in an upright and dignified manner. We told them about the goodness of Dafa and practitioners' kindness and innocence. Then we asked them for help. Even though they were not able to offer any assistance, they now know the truth and showed respect and sympathy to Dafa and practitioners.

4. Cultivating Myself Well and Helping Fellow Practitioners

My fellow practitioners were persecuted in different ways over the years. Some were convicted, some were detained in forced labor camps, and some were fired from their jobs. They suffered physically and mentally. The former coordinators were all sent to prison. I took upon myself the coordinator's tasks. Those practitioners had fear more or less. Some didn't dare to hand out truth-clarification materials, some handed out the materials but didn't want to store the materials at home, and some didn't have Minghui Weekly at home. I never said anything or looked down on them because of this. I put myself in their places and understood their pain. The mentality of fear needed to be removed gradually in the process of validating the Fa. It can only be removed by cultivating ourselves following Master's Fa. It needs a process. I don't want any practitioner to lose the opportunity to validate the Fa because of his/her temporary fear. I put all the materials in my home and gave them the key. They could come to my home at any time. My home became the center of Fa-study and a transfer station for the materials. Lots of materials were packaged and stapled at my home. The authorities started to notice it because of the heavy traffic. I later moved it to where I worked.

Over the years, I helped other practitioners do Fa-validation things and helped them to find the source of materials under pressure. When a material production site was destroyed, I would help fellow practitioners build an new one. If they were short of money, I would give them money from my savings even though I had financial difficulties myself. When they were afraid, they would bring the printer to my home. Once there were five printers at my home. I complained sometimes, “You are afraid. Am I not afraid?” But with Master's help, to this day I am safe and sound.

Two practitioners came home from prison several years ago. Their mentality of fear was strong. They always felt that someone was watching them. They even returned Minghui Weekly to me once they finished reading it. They would take some materials when they were in good form. They would disappear into thin air when they were in bad form. I felt repulsion for them for a while. Master said, “I can't leave behind any of the Dafa disciples. Every person is family to me, so how can you treat different members of my family differently?” (“Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students”) I don't have the right to dislike them. Later on, whenever they were afraid, I would encourage them and help them. They went back and forth for several years and finally came out on the other side. They are both very diligent now and do the three things every day.

Over the years, we communicate and coordinate with each other and strengthen our righteous thoughts together whenever there's a problem. We went though difficulties one after another. One day, I found some posters about the CCP leaders on the bulletin board in my work unit. I poured some ink on the posters in the evening. I went to check the next day and found that the posters had been sealed in plastic, and the ink only left a tiny mark. I worked with another practitioner. She sent forth righteous thoughts at home and I pulled down the posters at work.

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