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Let Go of Human Notions and Walk the Path Well

February 12, 2011 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I often hear practitioners share stories about having strong righteous thoughts. In particular, I've often heard practitioners talk about when they were being taken to labor camps, they had the thought to experience high blood pressure. As a result, they failed the medical exam given by the labor camp prior to admission and were released. This gave many practitioners an impression that one could be unconditionally released only if they had symptoms of illness. I think this thought is not righteous because it is still based on a human notion. In fact, when introducing Dafa to people, we always tell them that one can improve physical health through doing exercises. Now, if every practitioner seems to have high blood pressure, how can we validate the Fa?

We are saving sentient beings, something noble and important, so we should not be arrested. The police are being manipulated by the evil in other dimensions, and they may not act out of their true will. Therefore, the most important thing for us to do is to send forth righteous thoughts and eliminate these vicious elements. After this is resolved, without influence from other dimensions, how can the police—merely everyday people—dare to persecute us? Other than sending forth righteous thoughts and asking Master for help, we do not need to worry about other things. This way, we will be able to oppose the persecution. When something comes up, we should not complain about each other, let alone yield to the old forces’ arrangements and thinking what would happen if we were being sent to a labor camp. In any event, we should not give the old forces excuses to persecute us.

Some practitioners may think that only those who have cultivated to very high levels could do this. This is actually not the case. As long as we change our human notions, things will work out. When a fellow practitioner and I went out for face-to-face truth-clarification in late 2008, we were arrested. However, within half an hour, we were released. Neither of us cultivated very well. Take me as an example. I began to cultivate in 1999, and the persecution started not long after that. I still continued to practice, and explained to my coworkers that Falun Dafa was good and the persecution was wrong. After the staged Tiananmen Square “self-immolation” propaganda stunt in early 2001, however, I was confused. Master had mentioned in Dafa books the principle of not killing, so why did those people commit suicide? I wrongly believed that the self-immolators were Falun Gong practitioners, exactly as the propaganda intended me to believe. As a result, I hid the book and stopped practicing. It was not until 2002 when I saw the analysis in the video of the incident that I realized that the so-called “self-immolation” was staged by the CCP to turn public opinion against Falun Gong.

So, I began to cultivate again with determination. I missed several years of Fa-study and exercises. I had many attachments of pursuing comfort. Nonetheless, I was aware that all these would be eliminated as I constantly improved myself within the Fa. My shortcomings should not be an excuse for the evil to persecute me. When a police officer asked me my name and address, I told him I was innocent and did not say more. Later, another policeman came in and said, “If you are innocent, why are you afraid of giving us your information?” I said, “Instead of spending time on innocent people, the police should go after the bad people—corrupt officers, murderers, arsonists, etc.” Everything I said to them was related to truth-clarification. When he stopped me, I sent forth righteous thoughts. Later, all the police officers left, so I sat on the couch and concentrated on sending forth righteous thoughts. I felt Master by the side and I felt very safe. Soon afterwards, an officer returned. He told us to return home but to leave the truth-clarification materials there. We all returned home safely. Had we worried about things with human notions, we probably would not have beeen able to return home so quickly. However, when we had pure thoughts and focused on sending forth righteous thoughts, Master helped us.

In Zhuan Falun, Master said,

“In order to explore this domain, humankind must fundamentally change its conventional thinking. Otherwise, the truth of the universe will forever remain a mystery to humankind, and everyday people will forever crawl within the boundary delimited by their own ignorance.”

The reason that the old forces persecute us is because we have attachments and human notions. Letting go of our human notions and impure thoughts, we will encounter less interference from the old forces, thus walking better the cultivation path.