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Rationally Assist Fellow Practitioners Who Have Been Persecuted by Illness Karma

October 30, 2011 |   By a Dafa disciple from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) A veteran practitioner had been recently suffering from illness karma, and many fellow practitioners lay aside truth-clarification things to send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to this practitioner. What is happening right now resembles what happened to fellow practitioner Feng Ximin, a few years ago when Feng was persecuted by illness karma.

Master told us, "At present, the most important thing is to save sentient beings, save more people! That is the most important thing." ("Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference")

I do not mean that we should not help fellow practitioners when they are persecuted by the old forces. I want to say that we should not forget doing the three things, and not leave any loopholes for unnecessary interference.

When Feng was tortured by illness karma a few years ago, almost all local practitioners joined the group to do around-the-clock righteous thoughts. Some fellow practitioners who were supposed to be producing materials even came to join the event. Didn’t they leave loopholes for the old forces? The evil elements discovered that when they tortured one practitioner, all the local practitioners came to assist them. Therefore, this ensured that practitioners would neglect working on projects to offer salvation for sentient beings. How many fellow practitioners have been following the old forces’ arrangements?

From another perspective, Master told us,

“… for once the righteous thoughts are strong, you will truly have the god-like might to split a mountain in half—split it with but one thought. Just see if the old forces dare to meddle then.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference”)

A large number of practitioners participated in the vigil of sending forth righteous thoughts, but the practitioner’s condition did not improve. On the contrary, the condition actually worsened, and the fellow practitioner ended up in the hospital. Shouldn’t we ponder this predicament? Our local practitioners held a small Fa experience sharing conference, and one fellow practitioner shared that her sister-in-law, also a fellow practitioner, was not very diligent and did not do sufficient Fa-study. Although she told people the facts about Falun Gong every day, it was like an ordinary person doing Dafa work. Eventually the old forces made her suffer from cancer symptoms, and the doctors said that she had about three months to live.

After this practitioner heard about her sister-in-law’s situation, she immediately realized that it was her turn to cultivate well and improve. She had one solid thought: I must be able to help my fellow practitioner. She told her sister-in-law, “Now that you’re in this situation, you have no choice but to trust Master and the Fa.” Her sister-in-law’s family forced her to have surgery. Immediately afterward, this fellow practitioner played an audio version of Master’s lectures for her. When her other family members attempted to intervene, the fellow practitioner firmly said, “She wants to listen,” and put the ear buds back on her. In every moment, the righteous and evil are fighting a war in other dimensions. As soon as her sister-in-law could move, the fellow practitioner helped her to practice the exercises. Since she could not sit steadily, the fellow practitioner would sit with her back against her for support. They also shared their experiences from the perspective of the Fa. Although she went to the hospital every day to take care of her sister-in-law, she knew that she should not leave any loopholes for the old forces; she should not stop clarifying the truth to people. So on her way home from the hospital every day, she distributed truth-clarifying materials. She kept doing this for an entire month. With her firm belief in Master and the Fa, she helped her sister-in-law to break through the illness karma, and at the same time, she did not slow down in doing the three things well. Right now, her sister-in-law is in very good health.

Another practitioner exhibited lung cancer symptoms. She made up her mind to lay aside human attachments and allow Master to decide her fate for her. During this time, her daughter-in-law just had a baby, so her family was busy taking care of the new mother and infant. She decided to lock herself up, and told her family not to worry and just bring food. She coughed-up blood so badly that she could not lie down to rest. She just sat on a sofa and studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts day and night. When she was tired, she just lay back on the sofa to take a break and continued after she woke up. For two months, she did not rely on other practitioners at all, but broke through the test all by herself. It was just like what Master said,

“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts
Master has the power to turn back the tide”
(“Master-Disciple Bond,” Hong Yin II)

Practitioners face different tests and have different attachments. We all are at different levels, and our cultivation paths are different as well. However, one fact remains unshakable, that is we must have faith in Master and the Fa. This is how we can truly help fellow practitioners. When we help send forth righteous thoughts, we can cleanse the evil factors on the outside; however, if the practitioner himself/herself does not improve from the inside, nothing can be changed. On the other hand, it would not be good for the stricken practitioner if other practitioners stopped all their projects to save sentient beings in order to assist them.

The above is just my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.