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Belief in Master and Dafa Invalidated a Three-Year Forced Labor Sentence

October 22, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Sichuan Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a veteran practitioner who obtained Falun Dafa in 1996. I have assisted Master in rectifying the Fa for more than 10 years and experienced many miracles on my path of cultivation. I would like to share with fellow practitioners one of those experiences.

A mysterious rock with engraved characters that said, "The Chinese Communist Party Perishes" was discovered in Zhangbu Township, Pingtang County, Guizhou Province. The discovery of this rock and the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in November 2004 enlightened me to fulfill my prehistoric vow. I urgently needed to seize every chance to explain the true situation about Falun Gong, advise people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and save more people. It was difficult at that time to convince people to do these things. Some of my relatives and friends even tried to intimidate me, saying I was going to go to jail for doing things against the CCP.

The discovery of the mysterious rock was an omen. It would help convince people to quit the CCP and break through the impasse in our clarifying the truth. I invited another practitioner to go to Guizhou with me to verify its existence. I made over 100 informational brochures and more than 300 amulets(1). We took an express bus to Guiyang and then another bus to the site.

When we arrived, we saw many people already there looking at the rock. With a strong attachment to zealotry and without paying attention to our safety, we started to tell people the facts about Falun Gong and distribute the brochures and amulets. We were eventually reported to the police, who took our brochures away and detained us overnight in the police station. We were transferred to the Pingtang Detention Center the next day.

The other practitioner said, “We are being treated unfairly. We should appeal immediately. The appeal process itself is another means of truth clarification and Fa validation.” In our appeal document, we described what really happened at the staged Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation incident and the April 25th Appeal and said that the unprecedented persecution of Falun Gong was unjust. We also pointed out that Falun Gong had spread worldwide and that Master Li Hongzhi had been honored with more than 3000 awards.

Our appeal document was submitted to the court, Procuratorate, Justice Bureau, police department, and detention center. One of the supervisors at the detention center was convinced and sent us blankets. He also allowed us to do the exercises. Two individuals on the court staff even showed their support with a thumbs-up gesture.

Encouraged, we became zealous and unintentionally attached to going home quickly. However, the situation was different in the morning. I was sentenced to three years of forced labor by the Qiannan Intermediate Court and the other practitioner got two years.

My fellow practitioner was taken to sign the sentencing document that same morning. She was mad about the sentence and worried about how her family, who did not know where she was, would survive. I reassured her, “Let's completely negate the arrangement and persecution of the old forces. Master is always with us. Since we came here together, we will go home together.”

I was taken to the Qiannan 610 Office at 3 p.m. the same day. I protested, saying, “I strongly disagree with your slander of Falun Gong. Where does it say it is a cult? We don't seek political power. We Dafa practitioners only follow Master's arrangements to save people.” The officers replied, “We just need for you to sign the conviction paper. You don't need to say anything else. As far as Falun Gong is concerned, no one dared to speak out on your behalf. To keep our jobs, we just do what we are told to do.” I responded that only what Master said counts. They then laughed and cursed Master. I told them, “Falun Gong has spread to more than 100 countries worldwide. People know that Falun Gong is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. Our Master and Falun Gong have been honored with over 3000 awards worldwide. Falun Gong has been welcomed abroad. Some elementary schools in India have adopted its exercises as part of their physical education curriculum, and some principals have personally demonstrated the exercises to their students.”

When they handed me the conviction paper to sign, I refused to and said, “Three years! I will not even stay for three hours.” They doubted what I said. I firmly made it clear, “We Dafa practitioners are here to save people and not to be persecuted. We not only want to save you, we will also save more sentient beings in our hometown. We will tell them about the message on the mysterious rock in Guizhou, that it is God's will that the Chinese Communist Party will perish. I will save more than one thousand people in three years when I save a person a day. Gods would not allow me to be detained for three years, nor would my Master.”

That day we were taken to Guiyang Women's Forced Labor Camp, where both of us were diagnosed with heart disease, hypertension, and hearing and vision impairments by the camp physician. Camp officials refused to accept us, saying that they were operating a labor camp and not a nursing home. The 610 Office agent who had escorted us there objected and ordered a reexamination.

The next day, my fellow practitioner became uneasy when she saw with her celestial eye that the camp was a dark and very intimidating place. I encouraged her to have faith in Master and the Fa, especially at this crucial moment.

The results of our second exams were the same. The 610 Office agent couldn't argue and took us to the bus station to go home.

On our way out of the forced labor camp, I silently uttered in my heart, “Merciful Master! Mighty Master!” I was held in the forced labor camp twice for about one and half hours, 55 minutes for the first detention and 35 minutes for the second detention. It was really a miracle that a three-year forced labor sentence had suddenly been invalidated.

Master said, “When disciples have ample righteous thoughts, Master has the power to turn back the tide.” (“The Master-Disciple Bond” in Hongyin II) We Dafa disciples should always remind ourselves about righteous thoughts and completely have faith in Master and the Fa.

Note: (1) Amulets In China, practitioners sometimes "clarify the truth" by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.