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CCP Officials Attempt to Incriminate Innocent People; Court Dismisses the Case Twice

October 18, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Liaoning Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) On September 28, 2011, the Haizhou District Court in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province tried practitioners Ms. Geng Shufeng, Mr. Zhang Zhongren and Mr. Ma Qingyuan. They dismissed the case due to lack of evidence. The court sent the case back to the Haizhou District Procuratorate. The Procuratorate then sent it back to the Haizhou Police Sub-Bureau. This was the second time Haizhou District Court has dismissed the case.

According to sources, Fuxin City Mayor Qi Jihui, Political and Judiciary Committee secretary Liu Baoxing, 610 Office head Luan Limin and other officials ordered the Haizhou Police Sub-Bureau to collect more evidence in order to send the three practitioners to jail.

On April 21, 2011, a group of officers led by Wu Zhongqi, chief of the Domestic Security Division of Haizhou Police Sub-Bureau, arrested Ms. Geng Shufeng, about 70, Mr. Zhang Zhongren, in his 50's, and Mr. Ma Qingyuan, in his 50's. Haizhou District Court scheduled a trial against them on August 18. Before the trial, Haizhou District Procuratorate dropped the charges because the court had declared the evidence insufficient.

Fuxin City Mayor Qi Jihui is a relative of Zhou Yongkang (a member of China's Central Political and Judiciary Committee). When she became the deputy Party Secretary of Panjin City, she ruthlessly persecuted local Falun Gong practitioners. Under her orders, at least a dozen practitioners were arrested. Several were sent to forced labor camps or prison. On September 1, 2006, Mr. Xin Minduo was tortured to death in Jinzhou Prison at the age of 33.