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Walking on the Divine Path of Assisting Master to Rectify the Fa

January 30, 2011 |   Written by a Dafa disciple from Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I became a Falun Gong practitioner in 1996. I would like to share with fellow practitioners my cultivation experiences during the past few years.

Cultivating Diligently and Dissolving into the Fa

In early 2004, Master arranged for me and my neighbor, a fellow practitioner, to form a practice site in my residence. Our group started with three members, and now it has grown to six. Most of us obtained the Fa before July 20, 1999, and one started practicing with us in 2010. We range in age from 45 to 68. For years, we have studied the Fa twice a week and have never stopped regardless of what happened. Each time we study the Fa together, we either finish reading one lecture, read Master’s new lectures, or watch Master’s lectures on DVD. After that, we normally send forth righteous thoughts. If we still have some time left, we share our experiences.

The six of us share our experiences, learn from each other’s experiences, and look inside ourselves when problems occur. Because of this, our xinxing advanced rapidly. We collaborate harmoniously and have almost no conflicts at all, especially when we explain the facts about Falun Dafa and save sentient beings together.

With righteous thoughts and actions, the materials production site at my house has been in operation for five years. When I calm down to study the Fa, my entire surroundings are peaceful too. Whenever that happens, my mind is filled with the Fa. The passion and harmony of such an environment are like waves of warmth inside my body. It is incomparable with anything in the human world.

I have recited Zhuan Falun three times from memory, copied it once, and memorized Hong Yin and some of Master’s lectures. I read one to two lectures of Zhuan Falun per day, and I often study other Dafa books and Master’s lectures. I also watch Master’s lectures on DVD on a regular basis. I found that if I study the Fa wholeheartedly, I can feel that my entire body and mind are dissolved into the Fa. From studying the Fa, I learned that our merciful Master has saved us from hell and purified us. It is my great fortune that I have become a Dafa practitioner, and I am very proud of that!

Saving Sentient Beings to Fulfill Our Prehistoric Vow

We have utilized different methods in the past dozen years to assist Master to rectify the Fa. At the very beginning, I hand wrote banners and posted them everywhere. Later we used self-adhesive notes with truth-clarification messages on them. Afterward, we hung banners in different places. With Master’s protection, I have had numerous miraculous experiences.

I first told all of my family members and friends the facts about Dafa, and with my help, nearly 100 of them have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. When practitioners genuinely care about ordinary people from the bottom of our hearts, share with them, and help them solve problems, they can feel our compassion. After that, it is easy when we suggest that they quit the CCP and its affiliates.

One day, after I gave some materials that contained Falun Gong information to a lady at a market, she told me, “I know Falun Gong practitioners are good people.”

In a supermarket one day, my sister-in-law (also a practitioner) and I helped several people quit the CCP. After that we told a shop assistant the facts about Falun Gong. She told us that she would like to quit the Communist Youth League. Soon after, I gave her the materials to quit; however, she told me nervously that she did not want to quit anymore. Turning around, I saw a security guard talking on his walkie-talkie. Immediately, I called my sister-in-law to leave quickly, and I began to send forth righteous thoughts while walking towards the main entrance. Meanwhile, the security guard was running after us with another guard. As soon as we arrived at the entrance, a male voice shouted several times, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good!” Hearing that, many people were shocked. After we ran outside the market, the guards were nowhere to be seen. I knew that Master had protected us!

Once, I discussed the facts about Falun Dafa with a taxi driver in his 40’s. As soon as I took out the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and some other materials that contained information about Falun Gong, he suddenly became serious and said, “You practice Falun Gong? Aren’t you afraid that I’ll report you to the authorities?” Calmly I told him, “We’re doing this for your safety. I believe that if you still have a conscience, you will not report me. You must carefully read these materials that I gave you.” As I was saying that, I arrived at my stop and stepped out of the taxi.

While inside another taxi in May of 2010, I saw Mao’s portrait hanging on the driver’s rear-view mirror. The driver was a young man. I asked him, “What era do we live in that you still hang that in your car? Throw it away right now. It contains evil spirits.” He took it off, and threw it out the window. After that, I helped him quit the CCP. When he thanked me, I told him, “Don’t thank me. Thank our Master!”

I was illegally arrested while discussing Falun Dafa with people in August, 2010. During the entire time I was detained, I had no fear. I constantly sent forth righteous thoughts and repeatedly asked Master to help strengthen me. In the meantime, I told myself to keep a peaceful and calm mentality, and I also clarified the truth to the policemen. At first, they were very fierce and were ready to hit me, but then they looked at something they had confiscated from me. They passed it around and read it word for word, “Falun Dafa is good!” I also began to tell them how Dafa has spread to 114 countries around the world and shared some miraculous stories about people who had sincerely chanted, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."

They listened to me, and did not say a word. Before leaving, I told them, “You can avoid disasters if you sincerely say, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

I was arrested by the policemen at 9:00 a.m.. Under Master’s protection, I returned home at 1:00 p.m..

Our granddaughter was born in August 2010. In September, we held a banquet to celebrate her being one month old. More than 100 people came to the party. Before that day, some fellow practitioners helped me package some informational materials. Since we were well-prepared, the results were good. Most of our relatives and friends quit the CCP and its affiliates, and they went home feeling very good about it.

One Little Flower in the Flowerbed with Thousands of Blooms

Under Master’s protection, our materials production site in my house has been in operation since October 2005. Before we set up the materials production site in my house, I always thought that we needed to set one up in order to reduce the workload for the other sites. Master helped make my wish come true. Two fellow practitioners brought a printer, cutter, and taught me some basic computer skills in October of 2005.

At first I had a strong attachment of fear. I realized later that it was interference. Master said,

"This instant is precious beyond measure. Completing the last leg of this journey well is what's most magnificent." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago")

To live up to Master’s merciful salvation. I repeatedly recited,

"Should you have fear,
it will seize upon you
If thoughts are righteous,
evil will collapse" ("What's to Fear?" from Hong Yin Vol. II)

When reciting this poem, it seemed as if Master was right there with me. As long as we have righteous thoughts and righteous deeds, Master will protect us.

Whenever I get on the Minghui website, the first thing I always see is the picture that shows our Master sitting on the mountain, silently watching the world. A stream of warmth goes through my entire body every time I see it. I know it is Master who is doing everything for us. Without him, what can I accomplish?

Helping Fellow Practitioners Amounts to Cultivating Myself

A friend of mine recently became a practitioner with the help of her sister. Her sister became a practitioner before the persecution started. Because they seldom talked to other practitioners, their situation was not very good. In recent years, they had not received Master’s latest lectures; thus, their cultivation environment was not very solid.

Upon learning of my friend’s situation, I went to her residence with informational materials and Shen Yun DVDs. We studied the Fa together and shared our thoughts and experiences. When Master’s new lectures came out, I brought copies of the new lectures to them right away. Along with studying the Fa, their situation has improved, and their cultivation has been enhanced as well.

Master said in “Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference”,

“You folks can't just go and abandon a person without trying hard enough. No matter what kind of mistakes someone has made, or what kind of a person he is, I still want to give him a chance.”

I believe that Master is telling us that those ordinary people who have understood the truth of Dafa will get a chance to cultivate in Dafa in the period when the Fa rectifies the human world, even though they are not Dafa practitioners now. However, if a practitioner who has already obtained the Fa is not doing well in cultivation, he or she may not get another chance in the next round. They have both obtained the Fa in the Fa-rectification period. It is pivotal for them to walk on the path well. We must find ways to help them.

My sister-in-law also set up a materials production site in her residence in 2006. A fellow practitioner gave her a laptop computer since she had financial difficulties. I also bought a printer for her, and I shared my experiences in producing the materials and the lessons that I learned in the process, so that she would not make the same mistakes that I made. One day, her printer stopped working, and I did not know how to fix it. Together we began to send forth righteous thoughts, asking Master to strengthen us. Magically, everything went back to normal and we finally printed the materials.

I learned that helping fellow practitioners is a process for me to improve. I need to let go of myself, and sacrifice silently with sincerity, confidence, and patience. I should not brag about it when I offer help to fellow practitioners. If I do so, I am validating myself, and the result will be negative. Helping fellow practitioners is also a process for me to cultivate. To solve the fundamental problems, I need to study the Fa well.

I need to be more and more diligent, as things are progressing faster and faster. Being a Fa-rectification Dafa disciple, I need to walk on the divine path, assisting Master in rectifying the Fa to fulfill the vow that I made in history!