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It's a Great Thing to Save Sentient Beings

January 26, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) While saving sentient beings, many great things take place.

One day I lost my way, so I asked an old couple for directions. They were taking a walk and the man, who had a cane, pointed the way with enthusiasm. As I started on my way after thanking them for their help, I realized that the old man was in pain. I went up to the couple quickly and said, “Sir, Ma'am, if you repeat 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' your health will improve and you will have a bright future. Your fate will also be changed because of this.” The old man stared at me and said excitedly, “How do you do the exercises? How? We don't know how to do the exercises.” Since I had just been released from prison and was in a hurry to get home I said, “You only need to repeat 'Falun Dafa is good!'”

Arriving at my home, I recalled the old man's excitement, and I was so sorry that I didn't teach them the five exercises. I wished I could see him again. About a month later I was still wishing I would see the old man again, so I went out with my relatives. I saw him! When he saw me, he almost threw away his cane with joy. He shouted, “Hello, savior, hello, savior.” I walked briskly toward them and asked, “Sir, ma'am, do you remember me?” The old man said, “Young lady, I have been looking for you. Where do you live? I could not find you.” I asked him, “How do you feel now?” He said happily, “In the past I had trouble falling asleep. Now I fall asleep as I repeat, 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!' It is really wonderful! Is it possible you could give me your cell phone number so that I can contact you?” I said, “I have just been released from prison, so I don't yet have a cell phone.” He said sympathetically, “Yes, I believe you. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a dictatorship.” He then began shouting at top of his voice, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good!” The old lady saw there were many people around, so she said to the old man, “Don't get so excited!” The old man said angrily, “I am not afraid!” I gave them my address and said, “If you want to learn, come to see me. I will teach you.”

Afterwards I enlightened to the fact that it is Teacher who is encouraging me to save more people, so he brought people with predestined relationships to me so that I can clarify the truth to them. After realizing this and sharing this realization, many of the other practitioners who didn't previously want to clarify the truth now anxiously went out to save sentient beings.

One day another practitioner and I were clarifying the facts to a woman in a photo studio. Pleased with the idea, she quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. All of a sudden a child fell down next to me and started to cry. No matter how hard her family tried to encouraged her to get up, she refused. I enlightened that Teacher had brought some predestined people to me. I helped her get up and said, “You are so beautiful. Why are you still crying?” She stopped crying instantly and said, “Thank you, ma'am!” At a result I helped her mother and her relatives to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. They also said, “Thank you, and we hope we can see you again!” I said, “If we have a predestined relationship ,we will definitely see each other again.”

I enlightened that Teacher gives us the opportunity to establish our mighty virtue. It is Teacher who is really saving the sentient beings. We only need to have this wish. Sometimes when I witness the joy of sentient beings after they have been saved, I really feel that these people are waiting for us to save them.

I hope that all practitioners can fulfill our grand, prehistoric vows to help Teacher rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. Actually, the one who saves sentient beings is Teacher, but he gives us all the mighty virtue. This is Teacher's compassion and greatness.

Owing to the limitations of my cultivation level, if there is anything I did not do well, please feel free to comment on it and correct me.