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My Cultivation Experience

January 17, 2011 |   By Nan Tuo, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Guangzhou, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 70 years old. Ever since I started cultivating Falun Dafa, Master has been with me in every moment, guiding, directing and encouraging me. I would like to share some of the wondrous things I have experienced and the tests I have passed following Master’s teachings.

One morning a few months after I began to practice Falun Dafa, I rode my bicycle to the practice site around 5 a.m. I was about to cross a major road and looked in both directions and saw no vehicles, except one that was a long way away, so I crossed the road. When I had almost reached the far side, a car drove by very fast. I couldn’t see anything but felt a hand gently push me forward and I flipped twice in the air. I had a surreal feeling as I floated through the air. When I landed, I saw myself sitting on the ground a few meters away from my bicycle. A cab had just hit me. I didn't feel any pain. I told others when I tried to get up, “I practice Falun Gong. I am all right.” I had only one shoe on, so I asked the driver to look for the other shoe for me. Someone on the other side of the road shouted, “Your shoe is here!” The taxi driver said, “Let me take you to the hospital!” but I told him again, “You can go now. I practice Falun Gong. I'm all right. I am going to the exercise site now. Don't worry.” I was ready to leave and looked for my bicycle. Someone told me, “Your bike is wrecked.” The rear wheel and the seat were completely buckled. The taxi driver drove me to the exercise site, not far away. After he left, I thought, “Oh, I forgot to remind him to drive safely.”

After I finished the exercises, a few practitioners helped me to take the bicycle to a repair shop and I had it repaired. I then rode home. When I was preparing breakfast, my child told me that a fellow practitioner had told me to go to the Fa study group. I hurriedly finished my breakfast and rode my bicycle to the Fa study group, which took 30 minutes. When I arrived, one of Master's lectures was playing on TV and it happened to be the section on “Improving Character” where Master talks about the old woman who was hit by a car when crossing the road. I couldn't help my tears. It was Master who saved me!

On July 20, 2000, one year after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong, I went to Beijing again to validate Dafa. I went to Tiananmen Square and meditated there for about 15 minutes, thinking about a fellow practitioner who had gone back to his hometown to clarify the truth. I thought that I should also go back to my hometown to tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. As soon as I uncrossed my legs, a police car drove by and a lot of policemen and police vehicles were around. However, when I had been meditating, they were far away and no policemen approached me. Master had protected me here as well.

One day, I got a phone call and was told that my son had cancer. I was very worried because he lived in another province and I was not able to take care of him. I told my son to read Zhuan Falun and recite from his heart, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Master said, “If I cannot save you, nobody else can.” (Zhuan Falun)

At that time, I called my son almost every day to remind him. I also read Zhuan Falun and Master's new articles, and sent forth righteous thoughts with more attention. Master said,

“You are unable to interfere with the lives of others, and neither can you control others’ fates, including those of your wife, sons, daughters, parents, or brothers. Can you decide those things?” (Zhuan Falun).

I was a practitioner. Why couldn't I let go of my attachment to sentimentality? After studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts, I gradually calmed down.

One day when I went out, I suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. When someone tried to help me get up, I regained consciousness. I said right away, “Thank you! I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I am alright.” I stood up and left. I only felt a little pain in one leg. I continued to go to the Fa study group as usual over the next few days. Then one day, when I was at home, I heard a sound from my hipbone. My first thought was not righteous and I thought that the bone must have dislocated. Thus I found that my hipbone was broken. I couldn't stand up. I thought, “I am home alone. What should I do?” I called a fellow practitioner right away. She came with several practitioners and took me to her home. I stayed there for quite some time and she took care of me. We studied the Fa like before. I also looked within. However, I couldn't let go of my attachments and my condition didn't improve. Later, my child came home and insisted on taking me to the hospital. Although I can do household chores now, such as shopping for groceries, cooking meals, and doing the laundry, I am not able to walk as well as before. Master said,

“If you cannot even pass this test, how can you still practice cultivation in the future when you encounter many big tribulations? Can’t you overcome such a petty tribulation? Everyone can make it.” (Zhuan Falun)

Then I realized why this had happened to me. I had the attachment of pursuit. I wanted to go to a practitioner's home to get their help. I forgot that Master is with me all the time. I didn't have strong righteous thoughts and I forgot that I was a practitioner. When I heard the sound from my bone, the first thought that came to my mind was not righteous. That's why I took a roundabout course and have to suffer to this day.

I hope other practitioners can learn from my experience. Let's progress together with diligence, walk the last leg of the journey well, and do the three things well.