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Practitioner Huang Futang in Zibo, Shandong Province Files Charges Against Policemen

January 10, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Huang Futang was arrested in June, 2009 by local police, and was then tortured until he gave a forced confession. Huang Futang was then sentenced to a forced labor camp for over one and a half years, and was sent to Shandong Forced Labor Camp in Zhangqiu on July 4, 2009. This is the second time that Mr. Huang was sent to a forced labor camp. He was once detained in Qiugu Forced Labor Camp in Boshan for three and a half years. The following is his document requesting a lawsuit sent out by him to the forced labor camp:

Plaintiff: Huang Futang, male, 59, retired train driver from Zibo Locomotive Control Workshop of Jinan West Locomotive Segment.

Defendant: Du Gang in the National Security Team, Zhang Yong, Liu Hongbao, Niu Yong, Liu Dong and others in 11th team of Zhangdian District Public Security Branch

Request: I ask the Zhangdian District Court and Zibo Court to protect my legal rights, and investigate Du Gang in the 610 Office of the National Security Team, Zhang Yong, Niu Yong, Liu Dong and others from the 11th team of the Public Security Branch.

Reasons for the Complaint:

At around 6:00 a.m on June 6, 2009, Du Gang from the National Security Team, Zhang Yong, Liu Hongbao, Niu Yong, Liu Dong and others from the 11th team of Zhangdian District Public Security Branch pretended to be plumbers and deceived my family members into opening the door. Without showing any identification papers, they broke into my room and beat me. I was not wearing clothes, only my underwear. They pulled me into their car, and continued to beat me. My whole body became swollen, and there was blood all over. Both of my legs, feet, my back, head, and shoulder were bruised and painful. My whole body ached. Even in this condition, they handcuffed me to the car, leaving my injuries unattended.

In the 11th team, which is located in Xiazhuang, I was shackled to the iron chair for four days and three nights. I was insulted and beaten, while they completely neglected my bleeding feet, hands, and my swollen legs. Later, Du Gang, Zhang Yong and others sent me to the Fourth Hospital in Zibo for X-rays. I was injured all over, including my lower back, shoulder, feet, and legs, and had a large hematoma. They then sent me to the Zibo Detention Center. When policemen there saw that I was bloody and swollen all over, they refused to accept me. Niu Yong and Liu Dong then wrote a statement stating that I was bloody and swollen all over before I got to the detention center. The people in the detention center then reluctantly accepted me.

In the Zibo Detention Center, policeman Li Jun, a policewoman, and doctors saw and recorded my situation. The Procuratorate of my residency also has the records. Another detainee, Tian Wanqing, and others also provided the Procuratorate with records.

On June 30, 2009, Zhang Yong and two others tried to send me to the Shandong Forced Labor Camp for one and a half years, but they failed. On the way back, they continued to beat, insult, and threaten me, and cuffed my hands behind my back. The car tag was: LU OCO327. On July 2, Zhang Yong, Du Gang, Niu Yong, Liu Dong, Liu Hongbao and others sent me to the Shandong Forced Labor Camp.

On July 18, 2009, I wrote letters to the Zhangdian District Court and Zibo Court. On March 8, 2010, team leaders Wang and Ning in the 161-7 team located at No. 29, Jiwang Road, brought me to Zhangqiu Chinese Medical Hospital for an examination. Both of my legs were swollen, my feet were numb, my back was injured, right shoulder had a hematoma, and areas on my body were numb. I was concerned and frightened, and could not sleep well as a result of my injuries.

According to the Constitution, Criminal Law, and Police Law, Du Gang, Zhang Yong, Liu Hongbao, Niu Yong, Liu Dong and others abused their powers as civil servants, trampled on the Constitution and the law, betrayed professional ethics as policemen, and used violence towards Falun Gong practitioners. Their behavior constituted many crimes, including intruding into citizens' residences, illegal searching, false accusations, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and assault, among others. I ask the courts and Procuratorate to investigate their criminal responsibility.