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Purifying Myself Through Practicing Falun Dafa

August 07, 2010 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I would like to share my experiences while being a practitioner for the past several years. As a particle of the Fa, I know that writing about my experiences is a way to validate the magnificence of Falun Dafa.

Studying the Fa

The key to improving my character is looking within and studying the Fa. I strive to consistently read one or two chapters of Zhuan Falun every day and memorize two pages of the book no matter how busy I am. I am now memorizing the book for the seventh time. I also memorize poems from Hong Yin and Hong Yin II once a day, as well as articles from Essentials for Further Advancement. I believe the process of memorizing the Fa is a process of eliminating attachments. Having the Fa in my heart makes passing tribulations easier. I systematically read Teacher's new articles and lectures over and over. This way my selfishness and distracting thoughts are reduced and my righteous thoughts are stronger. As a result, saving sentient beings has become easier.

I do the exercises every day. It helps me to eliminate my laziness and enhance my willpower. I remember when I first began doing the fifth exercise, I couldn't even do the single-leg crossing. My legs were in so much pain that my body trembled, and tears along with sweat came pouring down like rain. Nonetheless, I persisted in doing the fifth exercise for half an hour. It took me two years to be able to do the double-leg crossing. It was a difficult period for me. Teacher said,

"It is impossible for everyone to attain the Tao. Even for those who can continue their cultivation practice, it remains to be seen whether you can succeed and if you are determined to practice cultivation. It is impossible for everyone to become a Buddha." (Zhuan Falun)

Remembering Teacher's words, I do the exercises every day for two hours.

I send forth righteous thoughts four times a day. If for some reason I am not able to send righteous thoughts during one of the set times, I make it up later. Sending forth righteous thoughts can eliminate many evil beings in other dimensions and lessens interference, which helps us save more sentient beings.

Eliminating the Attachment to Lust

Desires, lust, and things of these sorts are all human attachments, and all of them should be given up. (Zhuan Falun)

I follow Teacher's Fa to guide my behavior. When deviated thoughts and actions arise, I suppress them. As a result, they arise less frequently, as Teacher has helped take away the bad things.

I once had a dream where I fell in love with men who weren't my husband. I remember feeling very happy and blessed in the dream. After I woke up, I knew I still had an attachment to lust and looked within. Before I got married, I had many admirers at my workplace, and I was quite proud of myself. After I got married, I regretted marrying so early. At times, I recalled the lovely feeling of being appreciated by the opposite sex. After I found out what I was attached to, I focused on eliminating it. As soon as I have thoughts of lust, I send righteous thoughts to eliminate the attachment. I have not had dreams about other men for a long time, and I remember to maintain strong righteous thoughts if any thoughts of lust resurface.

Saving Sentient Beings

My home used to be a material productions site before 2008. We made informational fliers, pamphlets and CDs about Falun Gong and the facts of the persecution. My mother-in-law printed the materials and my husband was in charge of technical issues. I worked day and night to try to save as many people as I could.

My mother-in-law and I have been going out to deliver truth-clarification materials since 2008 if other practitioners aren't available. We mostly go to remote villages at night time.

The area where we live is very mountainous. Sometimes we have to climb a few mountains before we come to a village. There have also been times when we have to walk in tall grass because there aren't any roads. Some of the grass is so sharp that it cuts into our skin. We go out to distribute the materials three to four days a week and walk 15 to 20 miles each time. We have gone through many pairs of shoes.

My mother-in-law is almost 70 years old. While I was imprisoned, she learned how to use a computer to access the Internet and download articles to make truth-clarification materials.

I once went back to my hometown and brought more than 1,000 copies of truth clarifying materials to distribute. I spent six hours during three nights distributing all the materials.

The first night, it started raining after I left my parents' home. I didn't have an umbrella with me and asked Teacher to lessen the rain. That night, not even a dog barked at me. After I delivered all the materials, it was still raining. I didn't wait for the rain to stop and headed back home. I wanted to get home by dawn before my parents woke up so they wouldn't worry that I went out during the night. I asked Teacher to not let my clothes get wet. When I got home, all of my clothes were dry except for my sleeves. I was very thankful for Teacher's encouragement and protection.

The second night when I went out to distribute the materials, I saw a house with its door open. I asked Teacher to have the door close so I could distribute the materials without being seen. The minute I thought about it, the door was closed. As I continued walking down the street in the cold weather, I accidentally stepped on a bottle and made a loud noise. Someone opened their window and looked outside. I stood still and hoped that the person couldn't see me. As a result, he shut his window and went back to sleep. At one home, I slipped a flier under the door where there was a dog. The dog made a few movements, but didn't bark. On my way home, I felt there was a beam of soft light illuminating the roads. I got home at about 5:00 a.m. and my parents were still sound asleep.

On the third night, I distributed all the materials I had. I then told my parents the miracles I had experienced during the past three nights. My father couldn't believe that I actually had the courage to walk along the roads without any light. My parents started to believe that Teacher was not an ordinary person. They previously were against me practicing Falun Gong because they believed the Chinese regime's lies about the practice. After I clarified the facts of the persecution to my father, he accepted Falun Gong and began reading the books.