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Musician: Shen Yun Is "One of the Most Spiritually Uplifting Things That Has Ever Happened On Earth!" (Photos)

August 30, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Shen Yun Performing Arts Company returned to the Kennedy Center's Opera House in Washington, DC, for six shows on August 25-29, 2010.

Musician Michael McCarthy plays guitar, flute, and percussion

After seeing Shen Yun just six months ago in Norfolk, Virginia, musician Michael McCarthy, went to Washington, D.C. with his fianceé to see the show again.

"The Shen Yun performance is one of the most powerful, enlightening and spiritually uplifting things that has ever happened on earth! It is beautiful in ways I hardly have words for," said McCarthy after the show.

Having played the guitar, flute, and percussion for most of his life, McCarthy said that he was able to "really appreciate what happens on that stage. [The performance] changed people's lives."

McCarthy said that when he and his fiancee saw the Norfolk, Virginia performance, they were "very, very moved by it and couldn't wait to see it again."

He noted that each performance is imbued with the awareness of the divine which "helps everyone remember that they are divine beings."

McCarthy said he felt the show is working to bring heaven to earth.

"To bring that here and bring that light into the world and unite people in this way--with music, sound, and color are the different vibrations, the different levels of vibration of God--that is the way I have come to understand it," he explained.

McCarthy said that the two-stringed erhu solo "just touches my soul in ways that I don't intellectually understand," adding, "The sound goes right into me and I wish I knew how to play one. It is just the most beautiful sound for me."

McCarthy said that Shen Yun is more than just a night of great entertainment. People come "to be entertained and they get enlightenment and that is a wonderful thing."

Shen Yun Dancers "Moved As One and In Perfect Harmony"

Also in the audience was Ms. Nanette Crist, who attended the show with her husband.

Ms. Nanette Crist had come all the way from Virginia Beach.

The couple decided to see Shen Yun for a second time because, as Ms. Crist puts it, "We were so impressed with the [Shen Yun] dancers that we saw in Norfolk, VA. The quality of dancing was exquisite, and the costumes were superb. But most of all, it was because of the spirit behind the show."

Ms. Crist continued. "We got to sit up close and see the dancers' facial expressions, the exquisite detail of the costumes and how every single one of them acted as one unit when they were dancing."

She said the hand-made costumes that the dancers wore "were superb" and that the dancers "didn't differ at all in anything they were doing. They moved as one and in perfect harmony with one another. So that was impressive.

"And the details of the costumes, everything about it was very exciting--the colors, when you see the patterns that are created by their dance and the movements."

She sighed, "It really is bringing heaven on earth for us, and so we were thrilled to see it again. I don't think we could ever get tired of the show."

Ms. Crist said that the two dance sets, "Nothing Can Block the Divine Path," and "Astounding Conviction," which depicted the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, left a lasting impression in her mind.

"The persecution and the spiritual continuance of those in the spirit world as martyrs, was very moving for us. The most moving piece in the entire performance was that one," she concluded.

