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Mr. Sun Zheng Suffers from Tuberculosis at Gongzhulin Prison

August 27, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Jilin Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Sun Zheng from Dehui City was illegally sentenced to eight years in prison for practicing Falun Gong. While incarcerated at Gongzhulin Prison, he was diagnosed with severe tuberculosis and was sent to the prison hospital on April 15, 2010. It's been over three months, but his condition has not improved. Moreover, the tuberculosis has flared up and his life is in danger. The prison and 610 Office keep pointing fingers at each other and Mr. Sun still has not been released.

In 1999, Mr. Sun graduated from China University of Political Science and Law, and went to work at the Beijing Military Police Headquarters. Because he insisted on practicing Falun Dafa, he could not go to work and was forced to become homeless to avoid persecution. On July 22, 2002, police from Changping Police Station arrested him at his temporary apartment at Changping District, Beijing. He was sentenced to eight years in prison on November 2003. When Mr. Sun appealed, his sentence was increased by three months. After sentencing, Mr. Sun was detained at Changping Detention Center for four years. He was transferred to Gongzhulin Prison in November 2006.

On April 23, 2010, when Mr. Sun's family visited him, he was helped by two people. His face was pale, he was skinny, and he could hardly speak.

Gongzhulin Prison officials have agreed to release Mr. Sun on medical parole. According to a prison guard, there is a policy that prisoners who are old, sick and disabled, and are close to finishing their sentences, can be released for medical parole. All the related documents have been prepared and signed by Dehui City Police. However, the 610 Office refused to sign the papers. The director of the Dehui City 610 Office, Zhang Xiyou said, "We do not care. Releasing or not releasing the prisoner has nothing to do us. It's the prison's business." However, Gongzhulin Prison refuses to release Mr. Sun, citing the 610 Office's lack of approval.

Telephone numbers:
Dehui City Politics and Law Committee office: 86-431-87221299
Dehui City 610 Office: 86-431-87226610