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The Persecution of Ms. Liu Chunxia, a Practitioner from Hu County, Shaanxi Province

August 16, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Shaanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Liu Chunxia, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hu County, Shaanxi Province, was arrested in 2001 and illegally sentenced to five years in prison. Her workplace, Huian Chemical Factory, was involved in the persecution. They did not allow her to return to work. Ms. Liu Chunxia was forced to do temporary jobs to make ends meet.

Liu Chunxia is 42 years old. She used to live in Building #47, Yuxiao Township, Hu County. She was employed in the Huibang Division of Huian Chemical Factory.

In October 2001, Ms. Liu Chunxiao was arrested when she participated in the Caijiapo Fa
Conference in Qishan County. She was picked up and tortured by the police from the Police Department in the Huian Chemical Factory the same night. She was beaten by policeman Cheng Kangmao and was not allowed to sleep. Her arms were shackled to a bench until 8 a.m. the following morning. Ms. Liu was detained in Lajiatan Detention Center. The Hu County Police Department, Hu County Heat & Electricity Factory and Huian Chemical Factory set up a special group to investigate Ms. Liu. The head of the special group was police officer Wang Yongan.

The Qishan County Court tried Ms. Liu Chunxia. She was not allowed to defend herself and she was sentenced to a five-year prison term. Ms. Liu was among the first female practitioners who were sentenced. At first, the Shaanxi Province Women's Prison refused to accept her, claiming a lack of proper legal documents. The police in Qishan Detention Center tried everything possible to get Ms. Liu and other practitioners accepted into the Women's Prison.

On December 9, 2006 , Ms. Liu Chunxia was released from the prison after serving 70 days more than her original term. Ms. Liu's elderly father went to many offices in Hu County, Qishan County and Xian City asking about Ms. Liu's situation, but was told nothing.

After Ms. Liu returned home, her workplace didn't allow her to return to her previous position and they didn't give her her several thousand yuan housing fund payment. She was forced to do temporary jobs outside.

Huian Chemical Factory, now called Huian Group Co., is a large national military enterprise.

The personnel involved in persecution of Ms. Liu Chunxia are:

Director of Hu County Police Department, Liu Zhijin ( retired)
The head of the 610 Office, Zhou Dangpu
Police officer Wang Yongan
Secretary and head of the 610 Office, Liu Zhongshe: 86-29-84913329(Office) 86-29-84913181(Home)
Party Office Manager and head of the 610 Office, Jiang Jianmin
Huian Police Department and head of the 610 Office, Zhang Zhiwu ( now called Zhang Wei)
Police officer Li Shengli (and others)