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Additional Persecution News from China - June 30, 2010 (29 Reports)

July 07, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 18 cities or counties in 11 provinces. As per this report, 27 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 25 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Anqing, Anhui Province] Mr. Xu Jialin Arrested
  2. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Liwen Arrested at Work on June 29, 2010
  3. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jin Xiaomei Arrested
  4. [Pengzhou, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Yuxue and Ms. Yue Yun Arrested
  5. [Chongqing] Several Practitioners Employed at the Qingling Automobile Factory Arrested
  6. [Tianjin] Ms. Cao Chunzhen Arrested
  7. [Qian'an, Hebei Province] Mr. Yang Kaijun Arrested
  8. [Hebei Province] 610 Office Agents Harass More than a Dozen Practitioners
  9. [Gaobeidian, Hebei Province] Ms. Hu Zhenchun Subjected to Forced Labor
  10. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Ms. Han Xinlin Missing
  11. [Fushun, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jiang Jie Missing - belated information
  12. [Qingdao, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Qing Faces Trial
  13. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Ms. Luo Zhongqiao Held in Custody
  14. [Guangde County, Anhui Province] Mr. Tang Deheng's Fourth Arrest
  15. [Hunan Province] Circumstances of Practitioners in Xiangtan City
  16. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Trial of Ms. Gao Jie
  17. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Mei Ying Awaits Trial
  18. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Recent Circumstances Regarding Mr. Song Chengkuai and Ms. Li Shuxiu
  19. [Shaoguan, Guangdong Province] Ms. Luo Baohua Whereabouts Unknown
  20. [Huangchuan County, Henan Province] Mr. Ding Zerong Arrested
  21. [Chongqing] Mr. Li Yuanlong Arrested
  22. [Chongqing] Nan'an District Court Officials Scheduled to Try Mr. Zhang Yixiu and Ms. Hong Yuxiang in Early July
  23. [Chongqing] Mr. Yu Zhonghe Covertly Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
  24. [Mian County, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Liu Jihong and Ms. Hou Xiuying Arrested
  25. [Jinhua, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhang Wanfei Arrested
  26. [Huanggang, Hubei Province] Additional Information Regarding the Persecution of Mr. Fan Fei
  27. [Heishan County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Suyin Arrested
  28. [Tianjin] Mr. Song Zhenhai and Others Arrested
  29. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners' Homes Ransacked

1. [Anqing, Anhui Province] Mr. Xu Jialin Arrested

Mr. Xu Jialin, in his fifties, is an employee of the Kangxihe Vegetable Market. He was arrested on June 24, 2010, and his whereabouts are unknown.

2. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Liwen Arrested at Work on June 29, 2010

3. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jin Xiaomei Arrested

Ms. Jin Xiaomei from Jinzhou City went to the east campus of Bohai University on the afternoon of June 27, 2010, to speak with people about Falun Gong. She has not yet returned home. An initial investigation confirms that she was arrested by Linghe District police.

4. [Pengzhou, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Yuxue and Ms. Yue Yun Arrested

Ms. Zhou Yuxue, relative of an employee at the Pengzhou City Integrated Plant, was arrested on June 22, 2010. Participating in the arrest were officers from the Danjingshan Town Political and Judiciary Committee, from the 610 Office, and from the Pengzhou City Integrated Plant Security Section. Ms. Zhou's husband died in 2005. Her daughter's family lives in Shenzhen City, where they work part time.

Ms. Yue Yun, a villager from Xinchun Village, Danjingshan Town was arrested at home at around 10:00 a.m. on June 23, 2010. Zhou Shun, deputy head for Danjingshan Town and others broke into Ms. Yue's home and took her immediately to the Guihua Town Brainwashing Center.

Wan Hong, Danjingshan Town party secretary: 86-13808212270
Chen Jiangqi, town head: 86-13980465233

5. [Chongqing] Several Practitioners Employed at the Qingling Automobile Factory Arrested

State Security agents directed officials in the Qingling Automobile Factory in Zhongliangshan on June 23, 2010 to arrest Ms. Peng Bi, Ms. Wu Suli, and Mr. Li Banghai at their workplaces. It was learned that as of yesterday, six more practitioners, including Mr. Xie Deyuan, his wife Ms. Dai Zhiqin, Mr. Liao Xingzhi, and his wife had also been arrested.

6. [Tianjin] Ms. Cao Chunzhen Arrested

Ms. Cao Chunzhen, 70, was arrested on the afternoon of June 25, 2010, as she posted messages about Falun Gong in the Jiyuanli Residential area of Nankai. Officers from the Jiyuanli Police Station made the arrest and later took her to the Caozhuangzi Detention Center, to be held for 15 days.

7. [Qian'an, Hebei Province] Mr. Yang Kaijun Arrested

Qian'an City police broke into Mr. Yang Kaijun's home on June 24, 2010, in his absence. They left with his computer. The police broke into his home again on the evening of June 26 and arrested Mr. Yang.

8. [Hebei Province] 610 Office Agents Harass More than a Dozen Practitioners

Gaobeidian City Domestic Security Division's 610 Office agents colluded with officers from the Baoding City Domestic Security Division 610 Office and from the local police station on June 12, 2010. They drove four police vehicles to Gaobeidian where they harassed practitioners Mr. Deng Zhimei, Ms. Liu Huiping, Ms. Wang Xiufen, Ms. Wang Yun, Mr. Wang Jin's wife, and more than a dozen practitioners from Zhaozhuang.

9. [Gaobeidian, Hebei Province] Ms. Hu Zhenchun Subjected to Forced Labor

Ms. Hu Zhenchun from Gaobeidian was subjected to a one year forced-labor sentence and sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp.

Yang Changhai, Beicheng Police Station head in Gaobeidian City, participated in the arrest of Ms. Hu Zhenchun: 86-312-2917457

10. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Ms. Han Xinlin Missing

Ms. Han Xinlin, 36, has been missing since June 25, 2010. It is assumed she was arrested.

11. [Fushun, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jiang Jie Missing - belated information

Ms. Jiang Jie, 59, from the Wanghua District, was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in July 2005. She held a persecution protest hunger strike in November 2006. A group of guards cruelly force-fed her and injured her stomach. She was sent to the second hospital affiliated with Shenyang Medical University for emergency treatment. All police officers left the hospital the next day. Zhou Jing, who was assigned to monitor Ms. Jiang, returned to the labor camp and told others that Ms. Jiang's family had taken her home. No information is available regarding Ms. Jiang's present circumstances or her whereabouts.

Ms. Jiang's husband died years ago. Her daughter was about 16 years old in 2006.

12. [Qingdao, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Qing Faces Trial

Ms. Li Qing from Qingdao was arrested for distributing VCDs about Falun Gong. Shinan Court's No. 3 Criminal Court officials were scheduled to try her at 9:30 a.m. on July 2, 2010.

13. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Ms. Luo Zhongqiao Held in Custody

610 Office agents arrested Ms. Luo Zhongqiao, in her fifties, and held her in an undisclosed location in Dalian City for more than 30 days.

14. [Guangde County, Anhui Province] Mr. Tang Deheng's Fourth Arrest

Mr. Tang Deheng was arrested at work at around 2:00 p.m. on March 29, 2010. The police broke into his office at Guangde County Education Bureau and made the arrest. It was Mr. Tang's fourth arrest. He was given a six-year forced labor sentence. The police proceeded to ransack his home, and seized his computer, CD burner, three cell phones, Falun Gong books, and CDs. Mr. Tang is now in the Guangde County Detention Center, and his family is forbidden from visiting him.

Wang Wuhong, Guangde County Domestic Security Division head: 86-13805632702
Yang Xuesong: 86-13856386111

15. [Hunan Province] Circumstances of Practitioners in Xiangtan City

Ms. Lu Mengjun from Xiangtan City was arrested in 2006 as she distributed information about Falun Gong out of town. She was sentenced to four years in prison and held in the Changsha Women's Prison. She is about to return home. Ms. Lu was often physically and verbally abused during her imprisonment. When her family went to visit her days ago, they found that a female guard was assigned to monitor her and was in charge her persecution.

Mr. Tan Tieqiang and his wife Ms. Xiang Liyuan from Xiangtan City returned home on June 18, 2010, from the Wujia Garden Brainwashing Center. Mr. Tan refused to be "transformed," and was extorted of 500 yuan

Ms. Liu Heqing's mother was able to take her back home from a brainwashing facility, where Ms. Liu had been subjected to severe beating.

16. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information Regarding the Trial of Ms. Gao Jie

Yinzhou District Court and Procuratorate officials tried Ms. Gao Jie on June 18, 2010. Ms. Gao's family observed the proceedings. No verdict was announced at the conclusion of that day's trial.

The night that Tieling City Domestic Security Division officers arrested Ms. Gao, they sent her to a hospital for a physical examination. She was diagnosed with a cerebral disease. After the trial, Ms. Gao's family requested several times that she be released for medical treatment, but they were turned down.

Li Zhong, chief judge of the Criminal Court in the Yinzhou District Court, Tieling City: 86-13941029688
Zheng Jianhua, head of the Yinzhou District Court, Tieling City: 86-13804100500
Yang Lixin, Tieling City Domestic Security Division head: 86-13904907890, 86-410-4841980

17. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Mei Ying Awaits Trial

Ms. Mei Ying from Heyuan, in her fifties, was twice subjected to the persecution. She went to her mother's home in Boluo County, Huizhou City two months ago. Boluo County police arrested her for distributing information about Falun Gong and held her in the Boluo County Detention Center. It was learned that Boluo County judicial system officials colluded with officials from the Huizhou City judicial system and attempted to try Ms. Mei.

18. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Recent Circumstances Regarding Mr. Song Chengkuai and Ms. Li Shuxiu

Mr. Song Chengkuai from Qingdao City was arrested on February 3, 2010, as he clarified the truth to people about Falun Gong at Xin'an market. He has not yet returned home.

Guo Xiuyan, a former practitioner who went astray, deceived Ms. Li Shuxiu on June 2, 2010, into going to her home where plainclothes police arrested Ms. Li. She has been transferred to the Zhucheng City Detention Center. Her family learned recently that Ms. Li has heart problems resulting from abuse and mistreatment while in detention. The police refused to release her.

Zhou Qiang, 610 Office deputy head: 86-532-86715369
Guan Chixing, Xin'an Street Office Party secretary: 86-532-86815899, 86-13953230309

19. [Shaoguan, Guangdong Province] Ms. Luo Baohua Whereabouts Unknown

Ms. Luo Baohua from Wengyuan County spoke with people about Falun Gong. Her whereabouts have been unknown since May 2010.

20. [Huangchuan County, Henan Province] Mr. Ding Zerong Arrested

Mr. Deng Zerong from Dupudian Village, Jiangji Township was arrested on the morning of June 25, 2010. Officers from the Huangchuan County Domestic Security Division headed by Chen Lin made the arrest. Mr. Ding is now in the Hedian Detention Center.

It was learned that the police confiscated many Falun Gong books, an MP4 player, and three cell phones.

21. [Chongqing] Mr. Li Yuanlong Arrested

Mr. Li Yuanlong, 73, was arrested on the afternoon of June 24, 2010, at the entrance to the Guomei Supermarket in the Shizhong District. His whereabouts are unknown.

22. [Chongqing] Nan'an District Court Officials Scheduled to Try Mr. Zhang Yixiu and Ms. Hong Yuxiang in Early July

23. [Chongqing] Mr. Yu Zhonghe Covertly Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

24. [Mian County, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Liu Jihong and Ms. Hou Xiuying Arrested

Mr. Liu Jihong and Ms. Hou Xiuying were arrested on May 22, 2010. They have been in detention for more than a month

25. [Jinhua, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhang Wanfei Arrested

Mr. Zhang Wanfei from Jinhua was arrested on June 23, 2010, as he distributed information about Falun Gong. He is now in the Qiyi Farm Brainwashing Center.

26. [Huanggang, Hubei Province] Additional Information Regarding the Persecution of Mr. Fan Fei

Mr. Fan Fei from Huanggang City was arrested on June 17, 2010, and taken to the Wuhan Brainwashing Center on June 24. The police claimed they would not release him until he is "reformed."

27. [Heishan County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Suyin Arrested

Ms. Li Suyin from Lijia Town was arrested on the morning of June 26, 2010, as she distributed Shen Yun performance DVDs at a market in Taihe Town. Officers Xu Shuhua and Dong Zhanwu from the Taihe Town Police Station made the arrest. He was taken to the Heishan Police Department that same afternoon. No information has been received about him.

Nie Wei, Taihe Town Police Station head: 86-13840602500
Lou Dali, Heishan Police Department head: 86-416-5523622 (Office), 86-416-5529858 (Home), 86-13904062688

28. [Tianjin] Mr. Song Zhenhai and Others Arrested

Mr. Song Zhenhai, a bank clerk from the Tanggu District, was arrested around June 20, 2010, as he spoke with his leaders and colleagues about Falun Gong. He was taken to the Tanggu Detention Center.

Mr. Zong, in his late sixties, from the Tanggu District, was subjected to long-term local police surveillance and following. A group of officers from the Domestic Security Division, from the Political and Judiciary Committee, and from the Hangzhou Road Police Station arrested Mr. Zong on June 9, 2010 and ransacked his home. He was held for 15 days before being released on June 24.

Mr. Sun Junshan, in his forties, from Ji County, is a construction worker who came to Tanggu to take part in the construction of buildings in the Financial District in Yujiabao. He was arrested on June 4, 2010, as he spoke with other construction workers about Falun Gong. Tanggu Domestic Security Division officers made the arrest and took him to the Tanggu Detention Center. He was subjected to a one-year forced labor sentence.

29. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners' Homes Ransacked

Officers from three police stations in Baoding City, Laishui County and Zhaogezhuang Town ransacked the homes of five practitioners on the afternoon of June 12, 2010. They confiscated Falun Gong books and other personal property. The five practitioners are Ms. Meng Qinglian, Ms. Cao Qingmei, Mr. Zhang Keyi, Mr. Cao Jiwei, and Mr. Meng Xianbin.

More than a dozen police officers broke into Ms. Meng Qinglian's home in Guojiayu Village, Zhaogezhuang Town at around 4:00 p.m. that afternoon. The police ransacked her home and videotaped the confiscated items.

At around 2:00 p.m. that same afternoon, agents from the above-mentioned three police stations ransacked the homes of practitioners Ms. Cao Qingmei, Mr. Zhang Keyi, and Mr. Cao Jiwei in Bancheng Village, Zhaogezhuang Town. The police kicked open the gate to Ms. Cao Qingmei's home and took CDs, Falun Gong books and a wall calendar. Another group of police officers blocked the street in front of Mr. Cao Jiwen's home with several police vehicles. They also ransacked Mr. Cao's mother's home before they broke into Mr. Cao's home and seized his personal property. Mr. Cao's neighbor happened to come to his home to fetch water. The police interrogated her and proceeded to search her home.

That same afternoon at around 2:00 p.m., a different group of police officers from the above-mentioned three police stations also ransacked the home of Mr. Meng Xianbin in Bancheng Village, and confiscated his computer and informational materials. The police videotaped everything in Mr. Meng's home and interrogated him for more than an hour. On the following morning, the daughter of practitioner Mr. Wang Deqian went to visit Mr. Meng at his home. The police on stake-out there dragged her out of the home, and hustled her into a police vehicle. More than a dozen police officers subsequently surrounded the place where Mr. Wang Deqian's daughter worked, attempting to search her personal property. They also questioned her boss about her.