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Calling China to Clarify the Truth and Rescue Fellow Practitioners

July 19, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) I joined the "Rescuing Fellow Practitioners" workgroup last October, which makes direct calls to workplaces responsible for the persecution, and also clarifies the truth, exposes lies, and saves sentient beings. This workgroup condenses Falun Dafa practitioners' strength, forms one body and produces greater results. In addition to making calls for recent cases, we continuously track cases afterwards. We learn from each other with this platform, mutually add righteous thoughts and encourage each other, and we call each other frequently, striking fear into the persecutors. Their persecution of good people is exposed on the Internet, and they unexpectedly receive calls that further expose their actions. Sometimes, I also use the method of reporting to their superiors as a means of truth clarification, which also has a good effect. Besides making calls, some practitioners send text messages and faxes with links to articles that expose their bad deeds.

When people hung up or cursed at me in the process of clarifying the truth, I redialed, thinking only that "I want them to know the truth." I said, "I make this call with good intentions. I am from outside of China, and hope to explain the truth to you."

I try to use a gentle tone and words that they can accept, so that they will listen a bit longer. While they listen, the evil in other dimensions controlling them diminishes, and they have the chance to awaken and understand. If the other party still curses or has a negative response, I speak directly and seriously with righteous thoughts.

When we call in an attempt to rescue practitioners who have just been arrested, some are released very quickly. In the rescuing process, some of the non-practicing family members realize that practitioners have not violated the law by practicing Falun Gong, and subsequently become supportive of the practice. Some attorneys encounter interference from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities for defending practitioners, so we also call them to explain the facts. We sometimes receive commendations from these attorneys, their families, and their friends.

I called a public prosecutor recently, only wanting to ask if a case was being processed by his unit. He said they did not process Falun Gong cases, asked me to call another unit, and gave me the phone number. I thanked him, and then asked which unit he worked in. He said that it was a counter-dereliction unit. I told him that Falun Gong has spread to over 100 countries in the world, that people in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are able to practice freely, and asked him to remember that Falun Gong is good. He agreed. In this short interaction, I felt that he was a good man, and had the thought of wanting to save him. Since I had to leave, I quickly asked practitioners in the workgroup to ask him to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. When I returned home, I saw a message that he had quit. This was an example of our collective efforts and power saving someone.

With practitioners' joint contributions and cooperation, we help sentient beings understand the truth, helping them quit the CCP. The process of rescuing practitioners also validates the Fa, giving these lives who have been deceived by the evil another chance for salvation.

Teacher said:

"Cultivation depends on one's own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one's master."

(Zhuan Falun)

I just want to be a qualified practitioner and try my best to do the three things well. Teacher said:

"I hope that every Dafa disciple won't overemphasize the form of things. Your own cultivation, your own improvement, your validating the Fa amidst the evil, saving sentient beings, and steadfastly doing well going down the path that you should take are what's most important."

(Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference)

The above are my understandings from my current level. Please point out any mistakes compassionately.