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Falun Dafa Brought Me a New Lease on Life

July 15, 2010 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained the Fa in 1996 when I was 26 years old. Before that, although I was quite young, I had already tasted much joy and sorrow in life. Falun Gong taught me how to be a good person by practicing cultivation and gave me health and happiness. Whenever I look back, I remember the pain and confusion prior to obtaining the Fa. I feel that it really is a miraculous thing to obtain the Fa, which granted me a new lease on life.

I had rheumatic heart disease when I was a child. I couldn't run, jump, or play like other children and couldn't take gym classes after I got this disease. However, I had a strong heart for following the Tao. I looked forward to divine things and pursued the truth and the meaning of life. I was very interested in qigong and the principles of the Buddha and the Tao Schools. Because I hadn't found a righteous cultivation method and I always thought of everything while practicing qigong, I messed up my body. At the beginning, my arms and legs were weak and later on my head hurt so much that I barely made it to school. Due to this severe pain, I couldn't go to work. After studying Falun Gong, I understood it was because I practiced phony qigong.

I finally decided not to practice those phony qigong anymore in July 1996. Two months later, on a cruise, I encountered an "auntie" (an older woman) who was practicing Falun Gong. I had never heard about Falun Gong. As soon as she stopped doing an exercise, I asked her at once, "Could you please tell me what you are practicing? Where did you learn it? What benefits does it give you?" After learning more from her and about my local practice site, I went there the very next day. After that, before work, I went to the practice site to do the first four sets of exercises every day. A week later, I suddenly experienced changes in my body. My body became light and the pain caused by practicing those phony qigong in the past suddenly disappeared and I was able to control my mind. I could hardly believe it.

Master purified and adjusted my body. Sometimes a warm current came down from the top of my head to all over my body when I was asleep. After I got up, my vertebra and cervical vertebra made a cracking sound. I could feel that all the bad things in my body were being peeled off layer by layer. My arms and legs became strong. In the past, I didn't dare to put on high-heeled shoes. Soon after I started to practice Falun Gong, not only could I put on high-heeled shoes, but I could also walk very fast. I had suffered heart disease, tightness in the chest, and wheezing before. After practicing, I never felt out of breath or wheezed when I climbed stairs. I was always in low spirits, thin and dark, with brittle and dry hair before, but after practicing cultivation, my skin became fair and rosy. I often had severe headaches and couldn't go to work before, but they have disappeared and my wisdom has broadened. Many good thoughts come to my mind when I write, therefore, my abilities and the quality of my work also greatly improved. Before practicing cultivation, I was selfish and afraid of losing face; now I am broadminded. I often work extra shifts and actively take responsibility for hard tasks. My relationships with my colleagues also became harmonious.

All the above are because of Master's salvation. It is Master's Dafa that got rid of the illnesses that had harassed me for so many years and at the same time taught me to become a much better person who assimilates to the standard of the universe's highest characteristic, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Fortunately for me, when my fate was about to change for the better because Master offered me salvation, I was able to realize it at once and seized this opportunity firmly. I had already waited ages and ages for this chance, which could easily have faded away like words written in water.

Therefore, my dear friends, when you receive Falun Gong flyers and truth-clarifying materials, when you see banners and display boards with "Falun Dafa Is Good" on them, when you see people practicing Falun Gong outside, or when someone introduces Falun Gong to you, please halt your quick steps and calm down to patiently learn about Falun Gong. When you hear the truth about Falun Gong, it might be the most important and sacred opportunity of your life. Please cherish and seize this opportunity!