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Genuine Cultivation Practice

July 12, 2010 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a young practitioner working for a Chinese government institution and have practiced Falun Gong for about a year.

My parents began to practice Falun Gong in 1997 when I was in high school. I read Zhuan Falun once during my school holidays, and immediately after, I vomited and had diarrhea. I understood that Teacher was adjusting my body. I began going to the park with my parents to do the exercises, but only did so a few times. Since I couldn't bear hardship, I missed the opportunity to learn Falun Dafa. Now, whenever I think about it, I feel great regret. When the persecution of Falun Gong began, my family stopped cultivating out of fear. But, we anticipated that Falun Gong would be redressed one day.

Fellow Practitioners Were Instrumental in Our Practicing Falun Dafa Again

I feared hardship and barely could stand the pain when doing the exercises. With my mother's and fellow practitioners' encouragement, I learned exercises one to four. When I was doing the third exercise I could hear the snapping sound of my frozen shoulder. It was difficult for me to raise my arms. In holding the wheel, my arms were shaking. However, I kept going. In the past, when I had problems with my shoulder, it took several months before it passed. At night, I didn't know where to put my arms because of the acute pain. Generally, I would wake up a few times because of the pain and I had to change positions to feel relief. A miracle happened that night. The pain in my shoulder simply disappeared and I slept well. I no longer had that problem.

Embarking on the Path of Dafa Cultivation

I know now the great fortune of becoming Teacher's disciple. If I want to fulfill my mission to reach consummation, I should not only cultivate myself well, but also save people.

One day I clarified the facts about Falun Gong to one of my classmates at a wedding. My classmate and her husband are police officers. I told her how Falun Dafa had spread around the world and about how in India, students and teachers practice the exercises together. She was shocked. I took the chance to ask her to tell her husband not to get involved in persecuting Falun Gong. I told her that the decision to ban Falun Gong would definitely be overturned in the future and that all those who took part in the persecution would face a bad end. She couldn't agree more. That day we sat under a loudspeaker and it was very difficult to talk. I thought it would be great if the volume of the loudspeaker was turned down. I did not think of using any supernormal abilities, but the loudspeaker above our head suddenly went dead. After I finished, the loudspeaker suddenly worked again.

I remembered what a practitioner said during his sharing. All those we meet or smile at us are predestined to meet us. The success rate of my persuading people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations is very high.

Sometimes, if I was talking to someone familiar with my job, I said, "I work at a government institution, so I know some things. The numbers that they disseminate are false. If what the television news said is true, that the people's happiness index keeps increasing, then why do so many people appeal in front of the government institutions? Take Falun Gong for example. The TV news programs said it was a cult. However, when we went to Hong Kong, we found that people there are free to practice it. In India, students and teachers practice Falun Gong together. Jiang Zemin initiated the persecution of Falun Gong because he was jealous about the number of people practicing. Many innocent people have been murdered. As a result, he is wanted by the Argentine International Tribunal. This is being discussed all around the world, but the people in China do not know. They've only heard the Chinese foreign ministry say at a press conference that China hoped that Argentina wouldn't damage bilateral relations. Therefore, the Chinese people might think that the Argentine government is hostile toward China. The people are being kept in the dark." Thus, my sharing would help dispel their bad thoughts about Falun Dafa.

Now, when I use public transportation, I often buy a ticket for others who can't afford it. I then tell them about Falun Gong. When people give me too much change back, I return the money and tell them that I practice Falun Gong. When talking to people, I often tell them that I work at a government institution and how Dafa is righteous and how it has been slandered. The wicked Chinese Communist Party looks upright and honest to some, but in essence it is very corrupt. Behind the false propaganda there is a completely different situation.

I have cultivated for only a short period of time, so please point out anything incorrect.