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Improving Quality and Upholding Minghui's High Standard

June 27, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am responsible for creating truth clarification materials in my local area based on Minghui articles. It is my sincerest wish to share with fellow practitioners who edit the Minghui truth-clarification materials on how to improve quality.

1. Our Mission

We and fellow practitioners of the Minghui editorial teams are one body. Therefore, we all should shoulder the responsibility of editing truth-clarification materials for saving people in China and providing powerful truth-clarification weapons. Each of us is responsible for exposing the incidents of persecution in our local areas.

2. Be Single-minded

Since we have chosen to edit as our contribution to validate the Fa, we should eliminate interference and walk on this path diligently. Before practicing Falun Gong, I had many hobbies and wanted to learn everything. However, as a Fa-rectification practitioner, I decided on the path I needed to take to validate the Fa. Therefore, I must do well and be single-minded in what I have accepted as my responsibility during this important time. I have to make certain that other truth-clarification matters do not interfere with the task at hand. If we overextend ourselves by taking on too many different tasks, our energy will have be scattered into all we are doing and negatively affect the strength of our editing. We should not give up halfway, which will result in more losses than gains.

3. Diligence

Many editors in China started in their roles because it was an important Fa-rectification task. Many weren't knowledgeable about the subject matter and many had to start from nothing. They learned from difficult experiences when editing truth-clarification material and had to learn what is meant by "professional standards." In the present environment, besides studying every professional sharing article about editing truth-clarification material on Minghui, we can study editing independently through Internet searches and reading books on the subject. Editing requires a number of different skills, such as writing, designing, fine arts, and computer skills.

Regardless of the time constraints or interference, I should try my best to edit the article to a high standard. This helps me gain more experience, and my editing abilities improve quickly.

4. Learning from Minghui Editors

In the beginning, I mechanically copied what was on Minghui. Gradually, I became increasingly more skillful and needed less time to edit an article. I learned how to modify the information to suit local persecution content to meet publication requirements. Articles that expose the persecution on the Minghui website are often detailed and lengthy, and need modification to suit weekly reports or booklets. This is a task to be handled at the editor's step. Sentences need to be concise, brief, and to the point, and they need to match the style of the associated truth-clarification material. In addition, one must consider the design, the color, the audience, and much more. The final publication needs to be polished.

With the advancement of the Fa-rectification, we need to further enhance our editing standard, work hard on our mindsets, publication scale, and editor quality, and put out a high level publication. I suggest that the local editor practitioners read through the entire content of the publication before editing the material, comprehend the main point of the overall layout of the publication, pay attention to the style, and only then edit while including local news. It is important that the local section merge with the entire publication. Every section needs to be done carefully so that every section is on a high level.

These are my understandings and experiences as a result of editing Minghui truth-clarification materials. If I have made any mistakes, please kindly point them out.