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Speeding Up Our Cultivation

June 23, 2010 |   By a practitioner in Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) The head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is expected in Canada soon. Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong began, CCP heads have been reminded of Falun Gong through our peaceful demonstrations held whenever they come to Canada. Many practitioners have lived abroad for quite some time and have somehow become sluggish in their cultivation. The day before yesterday I carpooled to work with a fellow practitioner. On the way he said to me, "How beautiful! I have never seen such color in the sky, and it's so bright! But, strangely, half of the sky looks like a heavenly realm, while the other half is obscured by a dark cloud. I have never seen such a sharp contrast before." I looked up and saw such a spectacular sight. All of a sudden I was enlightened with the understanding that the war between good and evil has already begun in other dimensions. Meanwhile, as the main force to fight the evil and assist Teacher in Fa rectification, we are still rather sluggish and unprepared. I chilled at the thought.

In human form, Teacher has given us Dafa and assisted us in our growth and elevation in cultivation in every way possible. As time passes, however, many of us refuse to enlighten, and we indulge in our human attachments and human notions instead. Some practitioners go on about how Teacher looks older than before. If that is so, is it not because of the karma he suffers for those of us still crawling within the framework of the old universe? I once had a dream in which Teacher was served a huge amount of poison in a container as high as a ten-story building. He drank it without any hesitation while I was crawling on the ground, powerless to help in any way. As Dafa practitioners, we are still attached to arguments about the cultivation status of other practitioners and complacently recall what we have done in the past to validate the Fa. Although trapped in a muddy field, we still compete with each other over who is cleaner or who can crawl faster! I imagined the mighty Lord Buddha picking us up from the mud, placing us in his palm, and transforming us with the mighty power of Dafa into completely new lives. But the Lord Buddha did not do that. Instead, Teacher waits for us to enlighten to Dafa, affording us time to help free sentient beings from this muddy human world.

We are elevating so slowly, but Teacher still waits for us, enduring many hardships in the process. This precious time is for us to save people from hell's trappings. Every activity that we hold is a big battle between good and evil in other dimensions. Truth alone enables us to help people make the right choice and thereby destroy the evil specter that binds them in other dimensions.

Even so, I feel I am falling behind in my cultivation. Cultivators in the past cultivated for many lifetimes but remained diligent. Why is it that we have become tired after only over ten years of cultivation?

In my understanding, we must set our minds straight with our divine thoughts and capitalize on every truth clarification activity we hold. Sometimes ordinary people may not understand why we hold so many activities, but it is for us to help them understand. One of my colleagues said to me, "You are a nice person, but you should not let those who oppose China use you." I said, "If your mother is imprisoned and killed for doing nothing and you call out for justice, is that a political movement? Would you voice your dissent if you saw Jesus being crucified?" This analogy silenced him. The CCP's lies operate like sorcery, blurring people's minds, but our truth clarification can awaken them.

In my meditation today, it felt as though my gong broke through obstacles in other dimensions, giving me a sense of power that I could use at this newfound level. With clear and clean minds, our gong will be released full scale, wiping out evil elements in other dimensions en masse. So let us activate our divine side and do well in saving sentient beings.