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Skin Condition That Tortured Me For Years Disappeared After Practicing Falun Gong

June 14, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Handan, Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I suffered from psoriasis since I was a child. I tried numerous medications but nothing helped. Every time I applied medication to my skin, it felt like thousands of needles poking me. I only took showers every three days during the winter, because after a shower, my skin would split open and I would bleed profusely. My clothes were always stained with blood. This problem was extremely worrisome.

This stubborn disease made me feel very insecure as I grew up. I didn't dare to wear a skirt in the summer, and I never tied my hair up. I quit going to school when I was in junior high. After I married, my husband treated me very well and took care of me. After I had my first child, the disease recurred.

In 1997, a friend of my mother introduced her to Falun Dafa. My mother's physical condition significantly improved soon after she started the practice. I started to practice Falun Dafa because of my mother's encouragement.

We did the exercises in the morning and studied the teachings in the evening. I gradually understood many principles and felt that Teacher was always around to guide me. My psoriasis gradually disappeared along with my other illnesses, and I threw away all my medications. I always had bad dreams when I slept at night, but these stopped as well and now I'm not afraid of anything. I have never been this happy, and consider myself the most fortunate person in the world.