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The People in China Are Yearning to See Shen Yun Performance

May 21, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) People are seeking the benevolent, traditional, ancient Chinese culture in their hearts. The following is our experience introducing Shen Yun to the people in China.

A lady became very excited after seeing the 2010 Shen Yun performance. She told her friends that they must go find me and ask for the Shen Yun DVDs. She brought all of her friends to meet me.

She absolutely loved it, saying, "The lyrics are wonderful and the soloist sang so well. I really want to have a copy of the lyrics. The waist drum performance was so energetic and vibrant." She started to mimic the movements. She was impressed by the dances, saying, "They manifest the kindness and gracefulness of traditional women. And the fan dance was amazing! The way the celestial maidens walk is so light and graceful, almost as if they are flying!" She displayed some of the movements from the fan dance. Then she commented regarding Falun Gong, "The practitioners are nothing like what they said on TV. Everyone involved in Shen Yun is a first class professional. I watched the performances of the past three years in one day. I enjoyed them so much." Those who heard her after I explained the facts of the persecution to them asked for a copy of the DVD.

No matter how the Chinese Communist Party propaganda slams traditional culture, the innocent and benevolent Chinese people still yearn to see traditional culture.

Another lady told me that, after she watched Shen Yun's performance, "I felt comfort in every corner of the house. I enjoyed it so much. I want to watch it again in my own time."

A senior policeman and his granddaughter often watch Shen Yun at home. Once in a while the two of them dance in front of their TV, imitating the dancers.

Almost everyone I met was in love with the performances after they watched them. "The music, costumes, artists, backdrop, and dances are fantastic."

Shen Yun's performances are purifying people's souls. The people in China are looking forward to the arrival of Shen Yun Performing Arts.