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My Family's Cultivation Story

May 13, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a housewife. I started practicing Falun Gong, by chance, on June 6, 1999. In 2002, my husband had not yet begun practicing Falun Gong, and I often told him stories about how miraculous the Fa was. I also asked him to repeat "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Whenever he was in danger, Teacher helped him, protected him, and he remained free from harm.

He was once hit by a taxi, and the car ran over his legs. He immediately thought, "Teacher will protect me and I won't be injured." He didn't ask the driver to pay him any compensation. Consequently, he was not injured and felt perfectly fine.

My husband suddenly had back pain in 2003. The doctor told him that he had a protruding lumbar vertebra plate. He was treated in the hospital with diathermy, pulling treatment, acupuncture, etc. Although he felt better, the problem remained, and after a few days became worse. I asked him to study the Falun Gong teachings and do the exercises with me. As a result, he recovered in a few days and was subsequently able to do any type of heavy work. He also had more faith in Teacher.

In the fall of 2005, he fell while operating a two-meter tall well-digging machine in an underground mine. He was not scared at the time. He couldn't stand, and just shouted, "Teacher, please lift me up." A strong force lifted him up. He was bleeding heavily at the time and his coworkers took him to the hospital. A quarter of the skin on his skull was scraped off along with his right eyelid, and the skin was separated from his skull. The doctor used over 200 stitches to sew the skin together. Some of his cranial and optic nerves were completely severed. Upon the doctor's strong request, he accepted infusion treatment for three days. The doctor said, "As he was injured so severely, he will only recover up to 50 percent, even if I use the best techniques and medicine. In the future, he will feel dizzy, have headaches, and all sorts of other symptoms." With unconditional faith in Teacher and the Fa, my husband recovered completely in one month. The doctor witnessed the mighty power of Dafa and regarded it as a miracle. My friends and relatives tried to persuade us to ask for compensation from the mine owner and take the pensions, but we behaved strictly according to Teacher's requirements. We didn't ask for a penny from the owner, because we understand the principle of "no loss, no gain."

My mother is 72 years old. She is illiterate and unable to read the Falun Gong teachings, so I asked her to repeat "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." I also gave her a book with pictures of Teacher demonstrating the exercise movements. She learned the exercises from the pictures. Teacher also took care of her. In a few months, her health problems were gone. She was so happy that she no longer needed to take any medicine, she simply had faith in Teacher and the Fa. I later bought her an MP3 player, and she now listens to the Falun Gong teachings and does the exercises every day.

There are many miracles. I am just sharing a few examples with fellow practitioners to show the compassion and greatness of our Teacher.

April 24, 2010