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History in Photos: Falun Dafa's Early Days in the U.S.A. (Photos)

May 13, 2010 |  
(Clearwisdom.net) In commemoration of World Falun Dafa Day, this photo series illustrates how Falun Dafa, the peaceful meditation practice with Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance as its guiding principles, has been embraced by people from all walks of life around the world.

New York City

Published on 5/17/2000 May 2000 group practice at Central Park.

Falun Gong group practice in Central Park, New York City (May 2000)

Published on 9/6/2000 Falun Gong practitioners in New York hold large group practice, 2000.

Falun Gong group practice in New York City (2000)

Practitioners meditating in Manhattan (2002)

Washington, DC

Published on 7/24/2001 2001华盛顿DC法会期间法轮功学员集体炼功

Group practice in Washington, DC (2001)

Group practice in Washington, DC (2005)


Published on 1/3/2000 Group practice in Boston.

Group practice in Boston, Massachusetts (2000)


Published on 1/28/2001 Proclamation of Falun Dafa Week, City of Charlottesville, Virginia

Group practice in Virginia (2001)


Group practice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (October 1999)


Published on 9/4/1998 Group practice in Atlanta, Georgia.

Group practice in Atlanta, Georgia (1998)

New Jersey

Published on 1/1/1999 Group Practice in New Jersey, United States.

Group practice in New Jersey (1999)


Published on 2000 Group practice in Rockville, Maryland.

Group practice in Rockville, Maryland (2000)


Published on 1/30/2001 Group practice during January 2001 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Group practice in Florida (2001)

Published on 2/7/2000 In Feb 2000

Group practice in Orlando, Florida (2000)


Published on 6/27/1999 Falun Gong practitioners in Chicago hold group practice by the lake, 1999.

Group practice in Chicago, Illinois, beside Lake Michigan (1999)

Published on 9/2/2003 图片资料:美西法会会场;美中法会期间的炼功场面

Group practice in Chicago, Illinois (2003)

St. Louis

Published on 5/13/2000 Group practice in St. Louis.

Group practice in St. Louis, Missouri (May 2000)


Group practice in a park in Lawrence, Kansas (2005)


Published on 9/10/2002 Indiana Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth During the Indy 2002 Basketball World Championship

Group Practice of Indiana Practitioners During the Indy 2002 Basketball World Championship (2002)

North Carolina

Published on 11/14/1998

Demonstrating the exercise in North Carolina (1998)

Group practice in Duke Park, Durham, North Carolina (1999)


Published on 5/17/2001 俄亥俄州哥伦布市大法弟子汽车游行庆祝大法日

Group practice in Columbus, Ohio (2001)


Published on 8/4/2000 Group practice to promote Falun Dafa in Houston, Texas.

Group practice in Houston, Texas (2000)

San Francisco

Group practice in front of City Hall in San Francisco, California (October 2006)

San Diego

Published on 9/30/2000

Group practice in San Diego, California (2000)

Las Vegas

Published on 5/28/2000 Photo collections from Las Vegas Sun Report

Group practice in Las Vegas, Nevada (2000)

New Hampshire

Group practice in Keene City, New Hampshire (2001)


Published on 5/18/2003 科罗拉多州大法弟子欢庆大法日 感谢科州议会通过决议案谴责镇压(图)

Group practice in Denver, Colorado (2003)

Los Angeles

Published on 2/19/2001 世界各国大法弟子汇集洛杉矶呼吁中国停止镇压

Group practice in Los Angeles, California (2001)

Group practice on the beach, Los Angeles, California (1999)

Salt Lake City

2007-9-19盐湖城社区活动 法轮大法渐入人心(图)

People learn to practice Falun Gong in Salt Lake City, Utah (2007)