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Heed Teacher's Words, Do the Three Things Well

April 07, 2010 |   By Xiao Yu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Henan Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a young Falun Dafa practitioner, and I began to practice in 2008. I would like to share my cultivation experience at the Sixth Internet Experience Sharing Conference, to express my gratitude to Teacher, and to encourage fellow practitioners.

Obtaining the Fa

I was born in the 1980s, and I developed a respect for gods when I was 4 or 5 years old. After I went to school and was indoctrinated with Communist Party culture, I fell deeper and deeper into the maze. After I finished school, I went to work in the south. When I returned home after one year, the news on TV was full of negative reports that attacked Falun Dafa. When I heard that, I thought to myself, "If I had such a book [Zhuan Falun], I should read it to see what this is all about."

Afterwards, I met my present wife. Her parents both practice Falun Dafa, and she also knew that it was good, but did not practice. That year, she went to school in another place and asked me to take care of one copy of Zhuan Falun. I put it aside without looking at it. After a few years passed and she was experiencing some problems in her life, my wife began to read the book. At the time, I had been misled by the false news reports and strongly opposed her reading, but I did not say much about it when I saw that she was so insistent. We got married in 2006 and lived with her parents for a period of time. It was only then that I found out that Falun Dafa is so great, and I began to practice.

One day, I had a car accident in the country. I sustained a minor wound to my head and my wife's face was only bruised. She said, "Teacher protected us," but I was doubtful. When we went to the south again, she practiced diligently, while I only read the book occasionally. For a very long period of time, she kept encouraging me to memorize Hong Yin and read Teacher's new lectures with her, but I did not genuinely cultivate Dafa.

We came back from the south in 2008 and began to associate with more fellow practitioners. Our apartment became a Fa study site. The practitioners' calm and positive field made me genuinely practice Dafa. I studied the Fa and practiced the exercises diligently. I can't describe the joy of finding the true meaning of life. My wife started to make truth-clarification materials, and I tell everyone I meet that Falun Dafa is great.

Abandoning Human Notions and Striving Forward

My human notions caused serious problems. Within four months of my starting to practice Dafa, the old forces began to interfere. I was framed, arrested and detained. Our equipment for making truth clarification materials and many other valuables were stolen by the police, and my wife had to leave home to avoid further persecution. As I had not studied the Fa well, I did not maintain righteous thoughts. I discredited Dafa and followed the wrong path.

After I was released, I immediately re-joined Dafa practice, adjusted my point of view, and realized the importance of looking inward. I knew that this instance of persecution was mainly due to my strong attachments of lust and wanting a child. After I realized this, I took it seriously and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate it. Now, my attachment to lust is becoming weaker day by day.

Even though I didn't do well, Teacher did not give up on me. He let me feel Falun revolving in my lower abdomen and that my body was being lifted up during the sitting meditation. These feelings greatly inspired me. My new job was also quite relaxed, and I had plenty of time to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts. Besides eating and sleeping, I spend most of my time doing the three things. I even recite Hong Yin while walking to work. I melt into Dafa day and night, and I am really happy. In Zhuan Falun, Master says,

"The entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments."

Each time I find my human notions, I try my best to suppress and eliminate them. I came to understand that it is not wrong to have human notions or strong attachments, but it would be wrong to indulge oneself in them. If we are determined to get beyond it, it will become easier and easier, as Teacher will help us. A while ago, I felt that I was doing all right with the three things, but then the attachments of showing off and zealotry surfaced and I said some things I should not have said. Luckily a fellow practitioner kindly pointed it out to me. With this reminder, I was able to promptly get rid of the attachments and not allow them to get out of hand. As soon as I realized the problem, I said "extinguish" to clear them away. Now, these attachments are much easier to deal with. I really feel ashamed when I think about how little I have done. I really haven't done anything worth showing off.

Saving Sentient Beings

After being released from detention, I had a strong attachment of fear. In order to get rid of the fear, I began doing some simple things to let people know the truth about Falun Gong like posting small signs on walls. After a while, my fear gradually faded, and now I explain the truth to people I meet at work. When customers come in for business, I take the initiative to talk to them. If they are interested, I urge them to quit the Communist Party. If they are not so agreeable, I talk more about the beauty of Dafa and how it teaches people to be good, and about how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) persecutes Chinese people. I do this in order to build a foundation for them to quit the party in the future.

Whenever I have a free weekend, I go to my hometown to clarify the truth to people. There aren't many practitioners in that area, and Falun Dafa information materials are scarce. The residents there have not had much opportunity to learn about how wonderful Dafa is. Falun Dafa has already faded from their memories, and they have a negative view of it due to the malicious slander by the CCP. Therefore, it is urgent for us to seize the day to save them, and I take that as my responsibility.

I worked with an elderly, veteran practitioner who is active in doing this kind of work. In the beginning, I was embarrassed to talk to people about Falun Dafa, but she spoke very well in an open and dignified way, and people were willing to accept Falun Dafa information from her. With her encouragement and influence, I have slowly opened up and speak better and better. Now, I can speak to anyone I meet without fear. I give them Falun Dafa fliers and ask them to quit the CCP.

In the country, people have not been too badly poisoned by the evil party culture. Over 90% of the people we talked to accepted our information, and the children joyfully cheered when they got pamphlets and Falun Dafa cards. Wherever we went, we could hear people saying, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" after talking to us. When we heard such words of appreciation from these people, we became happy and energized. Even muddy paths and sore legs meant nothing to us.

So far, we have helped over 100 people in my hometown to quit from the CCP. This is only the beginning. I hope that more practitioners can go to remote villages to save people.

There are still many people who do not know the truth and have not been saved. I feel that I have not done enough to save people. Today, I'm only sharing the small amount of good things that I've done. I have missed many people with predestined relationships, and many sentient beings have not been saved yet. My purpose for sharing this is to encourage fellow practitioners to come out to help save more sentient beings, walk well on the path arranged by Teacher, try our best to do the three things well and assimilate to Dafa. When we can do that, we will have no regrets in life.

Please kindly correct any of my mistakes. Heshi.