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Powerful Righteous Thoughts Can Suppress Evil

April 03, 2010 |   By Ru Chu, a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Master said,

"When in your truth clarification you run across ordinary people who have listened to and believed the lies and propaganda spread early on by the wicked CCP via its media, they might have misperceptions about Dafa disciples, be harsh toward you, or not willing to listen to you. At those times, if your emotions are stirred up by them, and you feel wronged, get upset, and maybe even aren't all that rational, then you won't be able to clarify the truth nor save those people. And in fact, the evil is constantly using the misperceptions of Dafa disciples that ordinary people have as a way to make the person feel increasingly at odds with you. But if your righteous thoughts are strong, the evil will be dissolved. The power of true compassion can dissolve all deviant factors, and when you talk with a person you will be emitting energy outwardly that dissolves evil things, and the evil in other dimensions will not dare to approach or control that person anymore. When you then reason with that person, he will listen, and you will be able to purge the lies infused into him by the wicked CCP, thus removing the block in his mind." ("Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan" in 2006)

"The Dafa disciples of the world together encompass the whole earth, with each person having a certain reach. All of what you encounter and meet with owes to factors that are present within your expanse. If you can have sufficient righteous thoughts, you can then be towering and massive within your expanse and suppress any bad things that might exist there. Were every Dafa disciple able to achieve this, the entire world would change..." ("Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting")

A while ago, due to my own omissions or gaps, I was illegally arrested, and imprisoned at a detention center for over three months. Thanks to Master's care and support from overseas practitioners' righteous thoughts, I returned home with dignity. Not long after that, I felt a kind of stress that I never had before. My family expressed concern, and made some suggestions in terms of my safety, such as: "Come back home straight from work," "Don't talk to others," "There mustn't be any Dafa materials at home," "Don't keep in touch with other fellow practitioners," etc. I first expressed gratitude for their concern, but said, "If there is no freedom at home, there is no difference between being home and being imprisoned at the detention center. What do you expect me to do at home?" When they saw me reading Zhuan Falun, they said surprisingly, "Why do you still bring the book home?" I answered, "The police officers even said 'practice at home.' If I practice at home, I definitely need to read the book. How can I practice without reading?" Then they had nothing to say. When I meet predestined people, I immediately clarify the truth to them, and encourage them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. My mother also helped me with truth clarification. My experience is that, as a Dafa practitioner, if I work on eliminating obstacles for myself, my family won't have many worries.

After getting out of the detention center, I went back to work without any changes to my position or with my salary. But when I registered with the company's head, I realized I hadn't clarified the truth to her sufficiently. She demanded that I not clarify the truth to any co-workers, or take any truth clarification materials to the workplace, or read Dafa books there. If I did any one of those things, she would fire me and announce it at the meeting of mid-level managers. Then, a week before the Chinese New Year, I wrote a Happy New Year letter to her explaining why I practice Falun Dafa, and why I tell everybody I meet to say "Falun Dafa is good," and that the corruption and darkness of the CCP is everywhere in society. I described the regime as a fallen building, without any power. I also asked her if she wanted to quit the CCP, which is like a sinking ship full of food and beverages. I told her my own experience with the miracles of Dafa, and that it is to save people that we, with great patience, ask them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I also wrote that many renowned prophets mentioned humanity being faced with huge catastrophes, "Aren't we doing this for others' goodness with a kind heart? Would people who have their own political agendas risk their own safety for the sake of others?" After the break for the Chinese New Year, when all the leaders of the company went to each office to wish us a Happy New Year, she (surname Zhang) looked at me with a smile on her face.

In addition, I've had to face pressures from my co-workers. Once, a co-worker in a harsh tone and with a stern expression said, "You should not practice anymore," and so forth. I answered with patience, "The constitution stipulates that each citizen is granted freedom of belief. During the Cultural Revolution, people who possessed graciousness were criticized in public. I would not go against my conscious to say something bad about that person. Good is good. People shouldn't listen to the CCP's lies. You should recite 'Falun Dafa is good' often!" She responded, "That's true. I was sympathetic to those who were criticized in public during the Cultural Revolution." The next day, she came to my office for some business, and I gave her a DVD of the 2010 Shen Yun performance and said, "Watch this with your husband and daughter at home. It is so beautiful and good for your health." She smiled and said, "Sure."