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Mr. Liu Wen of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province Sent to Forced Labor Camp Again

March 31, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Wen from Dongyangfang Village, Baichigan Township, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province has been persecuted by the communist regime continuously during the past ten years. He had been illegally incarcerated from October 1999 to 2006 and then from 2006 to 2008. He has been homeless and wandering around to avoid persecution. During this period he was arrested three times. In September 2009, he was arrested again and in December 2009, he was sent to a forced labor camp and was subsequently transferred to Xidaying Forced Labor Camp in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province.

Mr. Liu Wen, 48 years old, used to live at 18 Liulinqian Street, Dongjie Village of Guan Town in Fangshan City.

The CCP started the persecution on July 20, 1999. Mr. Liu went to Beijing to appeal, but he was arrested as a result. As he persisted in his belief, he was incarcerated to various places. He suffered cruel tortures at the Fangshan City Detention Center, Zhuozhou City Detention Center, Baoding City Forced Labor Camp, Tangshan Forced Labor Camp, Baoding Brainwashing Class, Zhuozhou City Nanma Brainwashing Center and various other places.

During the period when he was being persecuted, his wife and mother-in-law were in financial difficulty. They had no choice but to return to their home town in the Fangshan District to raise a few dairy cows to make a living.

At the end of the year 2008, Mr. Liu was released from Baoding City Forced Labor Camp. He started to make a living by selling milk. On September 19, 2009, when he was delivering milk, he passed by the Changguo safety checkpoint. Since he did not have his identity card, he was detained. Later, he was incarcerated at Dashiwo Detention Center in Fangshan City. Chang Guanhua, a policeman, phoned Mr. Liu's wife, Zhao Guiping, who was waiting for her husband to deliver milk for her to sell, and told her to come to the police station and collect the milk container. However, Mr. Liu did not return home. The police did not inform Mr. Liu's family of his whereabouts or his situation.

On December 29, someone wrote a letter to Zhao Guiping that Mr. Liu would soon be sent to a forced labor camp. On January 1, Ms. Zhao Guiping came to the detention center but the guards did not allow her to see her husband. They also did not allow her to give him any clothing. They took one hundred yuan and said that they would pass it to him, but they did not disclose anything further.

In early March of 2010, a practitioner wrote and posted an article on the Minghui website, "Practitioner Liu Wen from Zhuozhou City of Hebei Province has been Incarcerated at Xidaying Forced Labor Camp in Chaoyang City of Liaoning Province". It has been confirmed that this was the same Mr. Liu Wen.

Mr. Liu was arrested by the Dashiwo Police Station this time. He was set up, framed and sent to a forced labor camp. His mother-in-law is 90 years old, and is sick and bedridden. In his home town, his 70-year-old mother has no one to take care of her. They sent Liu Wen to a forced labor camp in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, which is very far from his hometown. His family had much difficulty obtaining news of his whereabouts and they had no money to travel to visit him.