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Transcribing Zhuan Falun from Memory, Being Clear on the Fa

March 27, 2010 |   By a Falun Gong Practitioner in Hubei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) My cultivation has been a gradual process of improving my understanding of the Fa by way of diligent study and becoming aware of the nature of cultivation.

During the first half of 2006, the authorities abducted me for the fourth time because I practice Falun Gong. They took me to a brainwashing center. After I was released, I was fired from my job and my husband sued me for divorce. All of my family members started to attack me. I did not have any income and was isolated.

Master said in "Drive Out Interference" in Essentials for Further Advancement II;

"When I taught the Fa I told you before about all the problems that might occur during this malicious and destructive examination. It is indeed difficult for those who haven't truly done cultivation to come through this. Now you can see why I've often told you to read the book more, right?! The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts."

Therefore, I decided to let go of all those conflicts, calm myself down to study the Fa and carefully look inward.

I then started to memorize Zhuan Falun paragraph by paragraph, until I fell asleep each night. I had recited the book this way 10 times by 2008. In 2009, I started to write down the book from memory. I felt that this was a process of elevating myself. Only when we keep the Fa in our hearts can we do the three things well.

One elderly practitioner was not able to get over the conflicts in her family. She wrote a proposal for divorce and asked me to read and revise it. A few days later, after we finished studying Fa, I accompanied her on her way home and recited the Fa for her. Master said in Zhuan Falun,

"In cultivation practice, there may be two scenarios when dealing with specific conflicts or when others treat you badly. One is that you might have treated this person badly in your previous life. You feel in your heart that it is unfair, "How can this person treat me like this?" Then why did you treat this person that way in the past? You might claim that you actually did not know it at that time, and this life has nothing to do with the other life. That does not work. There is another issue. In conflicts, the issue of transforming karma is involved. Therefore, in dealing with specific conflicts we should be forgiving instead of acting like ordinary people."

When Dafa practitioners have conflicts with other people, it is definitely caused by the attachments of the practitioner. I gave her a few brochures containing articles regarding family conflicts and encouraged her to look inward. I shared my understandings with her for a few nights in a row. She felt that attending group Fa study and experience sharing really helped and was better than just staying at home alone. When practitioners are together, we can improve faster. She does not mention her family conflicts any more. Eventually, she came to realize that she had problems in improving her Xinxing.

Through studying the Fa, I eliminated my fear of clarifying the truth and now I'm able to talk about Falun Gong openly and with dignity. In this way, I put the Fa in it's rightful position. No matter where I am, I can clarify the truth with confidence, calmly and openly. One time, I went to my supervisor's office to leave some Falun Gong materials for him to read. When I opened the door, I found the office was filled with communist party leaders. One of them is familiar with me. He joked, "Hey, how dare you chase me everywhere in broad daylight to ask me to quit the CCP?" I was not prepared for that question. Actually, I had never said anything to him about quitting the CCP. However, I quickly realized that this was my chance to clarify the truth and save them. I said, "Sure, quit it! Why not? They chase me in broad daylight to persecute me." My supervisor smiled and asked, "What kind of position does Falun Gong offer you?" I said, "We do not have such an organization and there are no leaders or officials. We just have one Master, and he teaches us to cultivate and become better people." One of the leaders who worked for the public security bureau said, "If she had not practiced Falun Gong, how could she have such a healthy body!" I also talked to them about the magnificence of Dafa, the high moral standard of Dafa practitioners, how human beings need Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and that it's wrong for the government to persecute Falun Gong. While I was saying these things, none of them argued with me. I thought that they had come to my company exactly for the purpose of being saved.

In these years, through memorizing and writing down Zhaun Falun from memory, I have gradually obtained a clearer understanding of the principles of the Fa. I am able to measure myself against the Fa while doing the three things and I have eliminated many attachments. I believe that without studying the Fa well, I could not have a solid foundation in cultivation and would not be able to truly save sentient beings.

March 10, 2010