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Realizing the Importance of Working as a Whole Body

February 22, 2010 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Not long ago, one of our local practitioners went to an adjacent province to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Before leaving, she told me about the situation there. The place was in a rural area, where information was closed off, and people there didn't know the facts about Dafa. She thus brought lots of truth-clarifying CDs and pamphlets with her.

Thinking that she was going to distribute truth-clarifying materials all on her own, I couldn't help but admire and also worry about her. I felt that her cultivation state wasn't very stable, and thus I worried that she might meet with mishap. However, upon reflection, I realized that I had overly emphasized my own notions and did not place full faith in Master and the Fa.

Before she left, I was planning to visit a few fellow practitioners for a different project. I asked them to help by sending forth righteous thoughts to clear other dimensions ahead of time. As if by coincidence, I ran into other practitioners while on the way. Together we formed a small group of eight practitioners, under Master's arrangement.

Later, I learned that she had safely returned home, and I didn't think about it for a long while. A few months later, I went to her home. Because it was late when I arrived, I was thinking that I should leave as soon as our business was concluded. Unexpectedly, I saw that she was busy tutoring her son with his homework. I waited anxiously. At the time I had proposed that we send forth righteous thoughts together, but she didn't stop tutoring her son nor ask me whether I had other things to do. My restless mind then became steady. I thought, "Why am I so eager to rush home to study the Fa, isn't that the thought of just wanting to improve myself?" Knowing that this fellow practitioner was not in a good cultivation state and could benefit from our conversation, I waited patiently for her. It is a precious opportunity when Dafa practitioners can get together to discuss things. I also realized that it was also an opportunity to get rid of my selfishness and to temper my patience.

She talked about the process of her distributing truth-clarifying material. She said that she never felt like she was in danger, though there were times when things looked ominous. One time, as she was about to leave, black clouds covered the sky, and it looked like a thunderstorm was imminent. She thought to herself, "It can't rain; I still need to distribute the materials." Even though there was thunder and lightning, it didn't rain. Another time while she was distributing materials, a dog barked fiercely, but she still finished doing it, and said that she felt power of the group supporting her. Before she went there, several fellow practitioners were arrested while they were distributing materials in the area. After hearing about her experiences, I better understood why Teacher had stressed the importance of us working as a whole body.

Dafa demands higher and higher standards from Dafa practitioners. Even though it is important that an individual cultivator does well, that cultivator only represents a part of the universe being rectified. Saving all the sentient beings, and group improvement and acceptance of Dafa are what Teacher wants. In the future, we need to work in coordination and harmony to meeting the requirements of the Fa, in undertakings big and small. Completing tasks individually will not be as effective as a well-coordinated group effort. In short, we should consider the situation at an overall level and abandon our selfishness. To the greatest extent possible, we should consider others and their points of view while doing any project. We need to cultivate ourselves well to succeed in carrying out our assignments, do well the three things that Teacher requires of us, and reach Consummation and return home with Teacher.