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Solemn Declarations by Two Falun Dafa Practitioners

December 24, 2010 |  


Solemn Declaration

Because I did not have an in-depth understanding of the Fa, the evil found my loophole and took advantage of it. On November 3, 2010, police ransacked my home, arrested me and took me to a detention center. While I was in the detention center, I admitted to going out to clarify the truth and distribute flyers. I signed their records and let them take my fingerprints. I also signed the "search warrant” and “statement of extended detention.” My husband wrote "promise statements" on my behalf and also said some disrespectful words toward Master. Here I solemnly declare that all the words I said and actions I took that were not in accordance with Dafa's principles are null and void, and everything I signed as well as the statements that were written on my behalf by my husband are also null and void. I will work hard to make up for the losses I caused to Dafa and firmly cultivate until the end.

Tang Songfen December 8, 2010

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Solemn Declaration

I was arrested and detained for over three months starting on December 27, 1999. I was beaten badly and I lost consciousness many times. The officials saw that I was near death, so they notified my family to pick me up. I was in bed for half a year until my body healed. On September 15, 2010, the local 610 Office head brought over twenty people and arrested me at my home. I was put into brainwashing sessions, put in small cells, and also forced to write the three statements. Under the immense pressure, I wrote the three statements. I felt so sorry toward Master and Dafa. Now I solemnly declare that everything I said and did that was not in accordance with Dafa is void. I will make up for the losses to Dafa and firmly cultivate until the end.

Liao Changqun December 8, 2010

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