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Experiences Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts from a Close Distance

January 04, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Guizhou Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Some time ago, the police in our region arrested Dafa practitioners and damaged our truth-clarification materials production site. The local authorities severely persecuted detained Dafa practitioners. Under these circumstances, our coordinator asked local Dafa practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts towards those places from a closer distance. There were to be three targets: the provincial 610 Office, the city 610 Office, the forced labor camp and the prison (the latter two places were listed as one target since they were only a few kilometers apart). Fellow practitioners from our local Fa study group actively participated in this activity.

Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Towards the City 610 Office from a Close Distance

At first, we didn't know the exact location of the 610 Office. We followed the directions given by a fellow practitioner and sent forth righteous thoughts while walking along the road. Suddenly we thought about a city government office building near the road next to the river. We went there, and indeed found a sign hanging on the gate that read "Comprehensive Management Committee" (the 610 Office is part of this committee). Then, we sent forth righteous thoughts towards that building in close proximity.

Not long after that, I saw countless, colorful scarf-like bars moving back and forth on top of the building. Among them were red, green, yellow, blue, and colorless. I thought that perhaps they might be the gong emitted by Dafa practitioners. Some of these colorful scarf-like bars moved slowly and floated in the sky. Some moved very quickly towards the building. But as soon as these bars got near the building, they quickly changed direction, and it seemed that there was an invisible cover on the building. No matter what, those colorful bars did not penetrate into the building. I could tell that at that time there were quite a few fellow practitioners sending forth righteous thoughts towards that building. In the sky, there were many colorful (gong) bars, but none could break through that cover. Indeed, I saw that quite a few fellow practitioners sending forth righteous thoughts like we were when we first went to that location, and sending forth righteous thoughts along the road, especially while they were walking near the river bank.

I subsequently talked about what I saw when I exchanged experiences with several practitioners. We reminded each other that we should break through that cover next time. But how could we break through it?

Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Towards the Provincial 610 Office from a Close Distance

The next day, we went to the Provincial 610 Office to send forth righteous thoughts again. I invited my wife to go with me and she agreed. After sending forth righteous thoughts towards the City 610 Office, I had a very strong thought of breaking through that cover over that evil black den. With such a thought in my mind, I went to the provincial government office building. We each took a spot and began sending forth righteous thoughts. Soon thereafter, I saw the same scene I had seen the other day. The gong we sent out was like colorful bars floating back and forth on top of the office building, but there were not as many colorful bars. Obviously, only a few of us were sending forth righteous thoughts from nearby at that moment.

Upon seeing this situation, I became worried and wondered how to break through that cover. I asked for Teacher's help. Then I immediately asked Teacher to help us break through that evil cover. As soon as I had this thought, I felt myself flying upward. My hands pushed up slightly, just like doing the third set of exercises when pushing a Falun. The colorful bars that were floating in the sky immediately gathered together and followed the movement of my hands and slightly rotated. In the meantime, I felt enormous energy from the universe gather there as well, and in just a few seconds it formed a huge round disc with a diameter of about 10 meters (33 ft.) and a thickness of 15 cm (6 in). The round disc was spinning steadily on top of the office building. After the disc formed, my main spirit returned to my physical body. Right after it returned, I felt abnormal movement in the front-left direction. When I looked in that direction, I saw a cloud of black smoke in the northwest direction. On both sides of that black smoke, about two hundred meters (656 ft.) away, was a cloud of black smoke, which was about 50 cm (20 in.) thick. These three groups of black smoke rushed into the sky above and made turns and then pointed in our direction. I assumed that it must be a rescue effort for the evil. There was no time to think. My main spirit immediately flew up toward them. In an instant, I arrived at the southeast corner of the building on the west side. I looked up and saw two colorful scarf-like energy bars, both red in color. I did not have time to think too much. My right hand grabbed one of the energy bars and my left hand got the other one. Both of the energy bars were pointed to the sky. I shook the energy bars with force and heard a humming sound. In just a few seconds, I saw that a huge Fa-instrument about three meters (10 ft.) in length and nearly two meters in diameter form. The three clouds of black smoke totally disappeared. It took less than half a minute in all. My main spirit then returned to my physical body.

A few days later, we went to a prison where Dafa practitioners were detained to send forth righteous thoughts from a close distance. I deeply felt that Teacher was helping us and preparing everything that we could not do ourselves. The most important thing for us was to have righteous thoughts, the thought of saving people, not ourselves.

In the case of breaking through that evil cover, no one knew how to do that before. When evil beings attack us, what should we do? When evil and rotten demons hide in the bodies of Dafa practitioners who don't have ample righteous thoughts, how should we eliminate the evil? Teacher guides us through all of these things, and gives us powerful and incomparable strength. Teacher is indeed by our side, and cares, protects, helps, and encourages us at every single moment. We have no excuse for not doing the three things well according to Teacher's requirements, especially when it comes to saving sentient beings.

December 18, 2009