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Thoughts After Watching "Wu Song Battles the Tiger"

January 27, 2010 |   By a practitioner from outside of China

(Clearwisdom.net) A few days ago, I was fortunate to watch the Shen Yun Performing Arts show. One of the programs was called "Wu Song Battles the Tiger". When Wu Song was dancing on the stage, I felt a very strong burst of energy towards me. I was thinking, "What could I learn from this story?"

Let's recall the story in this program. There was a tiger in Jingyanggang that often hurt or killed people. A few hunters went to catch it, but they were scared away upon hearing the vicious tiger's roaring. Then Wu Song appeared. After drinking three bowls of wine he went to Jingyanggang and killed the vicious tiger.

This made me think, "By validating the Fa, aren't Dafa practitioners shouldering the responsibility of saving sentient beings and eliminating the evil? Aren't we disintegrating the CCP, the vicious evil, when we clarify the truth and help people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations? Not only do we need the tenacity and courage of 'I know there is a tiger in the mountain, but I still dare to go there', but we also need the skills to eliminate the evil."

Whether we are in China or outside of China, whenever we launch a project, we face different resistance. My personal understanding is that the most difficult area outside of China is clarifying the truth to Chinese people. The misunderstanding towards Falun Gong by Chinese people outside of China makes them unable to look at Falun Gong fairly, even though they live in a free environment. Moreover, there are many shortcomings in our truth-clarification efforts outside of China. We have done many things, distributed lots of materials, and participated in many rallies and parades, but often we were not able to deeply touch Chinese people. Sometimes we treat clarifying the truth and distributing materials as a job. Things have been done, but without achieving the intended effects.

It is indeed very difficult to clarify the truth. Breaking through the stubborn notions of Chinese people and awakening their consciences are rather difficult. Some practitioners have retreated when facing such difficulties. Things that should be resolved by clarifying the truth are sometimes being dealt with too indirectly. Some even try to avoid mentioning Falun Gong. My personal understanding is that the basis of our doing things is saving sentient beings. Saving sentient beings is the number one priority. We should save sentient beings during the process of doing projects. Only then can we make progress in the projects. When we save people who should be saved, the path in other dimensions would naturally be opened. If we always try to compensate for the shortcomings in our cultivation with everyday people's methods, it will only make things worse.

Practitioners in China need to overcome the attachment to fear when clarifying the truth. In the free environment outside of China, shouldn't we break through the mindset of being afraid of difficulty? When we face resistance and obstacles and seemingly insurmountable tribulations, shouldn't we follow Master's requirement -- "When it's impossible to do, you can do it" (Zhuan Falun) to make breakthroughs in our truth-clarification, or should we simply find excuses for stepping back or find a roundabout or a compromise route? Shouldn't we have Wu Song's spirit of moving forward despite difficulties?

I also enlightened that in order to clarify the truth well, to offer people salvation and eliminate the evil, we must cultivate ourselves well. One must have the corresponding ability to eliminate the evil. Wu Song had the skills, courage, and ability to kill the tiger; otherwise, courage without the corresponding ability is just bravado. I remember a fellow practitioner's words, "A practitioner's cultivation state determines how many things he can do and how high he can achieve." If we cultivate well, we will have strong righteous thoughts and will not flinch in the face of difficulties; we will have wisdom from the Fa and come up with better solutions to problems; we will have more capabilities and cultivation energy, and be able to solve difficult problems.