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Mr. Fu Zhenyong Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison in Henan Province

August 06, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Fu Zhenyong, 64, was repeatedly harassed by local police officers for believing in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." In April 2009, he was secretly tried and later sentenced to nine years in prison.

Mr. Fu used to work at the Zhengzhou City Coal Mine Mechanic Factory. In 2001, he was taken to the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp where guards tortured him daily. When their efforts to "transform him" had failed, he was sentenced to one year at the Wanqing Shanzhuang Brainwashing Center in Zhengzhou City, even though his initial term at the camp had expired.

Around six months after Mr. Fu was released from the center, he was again arrested by the local police officers and once again he was detained and tortured at the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp. During his one year imprisonment, he was transferred to various other labor camps in the vicinity, where he was also tortured, yet he did not give up his beliefs. One evening, when the guards weren't paying attention, Mr. Fu managed to pry open a metal window and escape. Later he left home to avoid being arrested and further persecuted.

Around October 1, 2008, Mr. Fu was again arrested and held at the Zhengzhou City Second Detention Center. The guards tortured him in an effort to extort a confession from him, but failed. As a result, he was tied to the "dead-person's-bed" for over 12 days and had to urinate and defaecate in his pants. In April 2009, he was sentenced to nine years in prison, then he was later detained at the Zhengzhou City Second Detention Center, where he remains to this day.

Many officers from the Zhengzhou City Police Station and Administration Office have been assigned to track, monitor, and harass practitioners in their local district. Mr. Ren Jindao and his wife, Ms. Che Guiyun, both from Renzhuang Village, Guangwu Town in Xingyang City, were arrested in June by officers from the Guangwu Police Station.

Ms. Che was taken to the Zhengzhou City First Detention Center while Mr. Ren was held at the Zhongyuan Detention Center for twenty days. He was later taken to the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp around June 24. The couple's young daughter was left home alone without anyone to take care of her. She cried virtually day and night, wishing her parents would come home.

Recently, six practitioners from Mangshan District were arrested by police officers in the first week of June 2009.