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Falun Gong Gave Me a Second Life

August 26, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Note: This is an article from the experience-sharing conference held in Langzhong City in April 1999. This practitioner has been practicing cultivation steadfastly and validating the Fa.

My name is Pu Yuhui. I am a 57-year-old middle school teacher at Baiwu Middle School in Langzhong City, Sichuan Province. I started to practice Falun Gong in January 1997 and have been practicing at the Baiwu practice site.

In June 1994, I had an excision surgery because of a mid-to-late stage esophageal cancer. The medical expenses totaled more than 20,000 yuan in over two years. After the surgery, there were three rounds of chemotherapy. However, my health worsened as the chemotherapy continued. My white blood cell count dropped to only about 2,000. I was pale and very skinny. I also became more and more vulnerable to illness. Unable to take care of myself, I inched closer to death day after day.

On December 20, 1996, former co-worker Yang Shengben came to visit me and gave me two books entitled Zhuan Falun and The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa. At that time I was undergoing the fourth round of chemotherapy. Because of my severe illness, I did not read the books. On January 16, 1997, I was suddenly eager to read Zhuan Falun. After reading several pages, I felt very warm all over my body. As I continued to read, I started sweating. The more I read the book, the better I felt. In this way, I read Zhuan Falun twice in two months and understood many principles from doing so. I decided to truly cultivate and became a genuine practitioner without the pursuit of curing my illness.

On March 18, 1997 I went to visit Yang Shengben to learn the exercises. When reading Zhuan Falun at the practice site, I saw that some sentences specific to me were underlined with thick red lines, which were invisible to other people. This was truly amazing! I was able to obtain several other books of Master's along with lecture tapes and exercise music. After returning home, I began to practice at home. I disciplined myself as a practitioner instead of as a person on the verge of death. I did not have any intention towards curing my illnesses either, since I just wanted to cultivate to high levels and return to my origin. Since then, I have been studying the Fa and doing exercises every day, without taking any medicine. My health improved day by day.

In Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa, Master said,

"You know, what I'm imparting today is the Fa. This Fa is the Law of the cosmos." and "[The Fa] is good--it can save people, and it can rescue people as well. It depends on how you try to understand the Fa, on how you try to comprehend the Fa."

Therefore, I put Fa-study as the highest priority, either by reading the Falun Dafa books or listening to the lecture tapes. Every month, I read Zhuan Falun twice and listened to the lecture tapes twice. I deeply felt that whenever I finished reading Zhuan Falun one time or listened to the lecture tape one time, my body was cleansed and purified one more time. In order to release karma earlier, I always double-crossed my legs for 42 minutes even at the beginning of my practice. Sometimes it was very painful, but I continued and did not stop. After practicing for three months, my Celestial Eye was opened and I was able to see scenes in other dimensions. However, I followed the requirements in Zhuan Falun and did not become attached to or pursue supernormal abilities.

Ever since I started to practice, every day many dirty substances were removed through defecation. This lasted for more than 8 months. Instead of feeling weak, I felt more energetic. Master said in "Lecture One" in Zhuan Falun,

"There is a transition at the lowest level of cultivation practice, and this is to purify your body completely. All of the bad things on your mind, the karmic field surrounding your body, and the elements that make your body unhealthy will be cleaned out. If they are not cleaned out, how can you, with such an impure, dark body and a filthy mind, practice cultivation toward a higher level?"

One of the most severe experiences of this occurred at about 9 p.m. one day in September 1997. I suddenly felt sharp pain in my stomach, and I was unable to stand up. Then I had symptoms of diarrhea. I went to the bathroom three times. As soon as I left the toilet, I felt a need to go there again. In the end, I just stayed on the toilet without getting up. Then I could not stand up. My stomach had sharp pains, and dirty fluid kept coming out through defecation. After stopping for a while, it continued again. Then, the fluid that came out had the smells of various western medicines or Chinese medicines. This continued for three hours. I was sweating profusely because of the pain. Then I remembered Master's words in "Lecture Two" in Zhuan Falun,

"With this, you may feel that your illnesses have recurred. This is to remove your karma fundamentally. Thus, you will have reactions. Some people may have physical reactions somewhere. Some may feel uncomfortable in one way or another as different kinds of discomfort will manifest. These are all normal."

"When you feel very uncomfortable, it indicates that things will turn around after reaching the extreme point. Your whole body will be purified and it must be completely purified. The cause of your illness has been removed, and what remains is only this bit of black qi that will come out on its own to let you suffer some and have some pain. It is forbidden for you not to suffer even a little bit."

I understood that was normal since Master was cleansing and purifying my body, as well as releasing the karma. In "Lecture Four" in Zhuan Falun, Master said,

"We have said that good or evil comes from a person's spontaneous thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences."

In this way, I broke through this big tribulation. By midnight, the pain was relieved and the symptoms of diarrhea also lessened. I was tired and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and the illness was all gone. When I looked into the cistern, however, I found that more than five liters of dirty fluid was in it.

In the past, I had severe hair loss because of chemotherapy. Lots of hair fell out whenever I combed my hair. Less than seven months after I started to practice, the hair loss stopped. New hair started to grow, and it became very dense. My hair went back to normal.

Currently all my illnesses are gone and people around me say that I am almost a different person. My weight returned to normal and my appearance was much better. I am even more energetic than young people. Two years ago I dared not to go outside or touch cold water. I had to wear a sweater even in summer, and I dared not to take a shower for fear of catching a cold. I did not want to eat anything or do things. Right now, I can do all the house chores and eat anything. I feel fine regardless of the weather, and I wear even less than young people when it is cold. I have been blessed with true health. This is a miracle that modern science cannot explain, and it is well beyond modern medical science. The principles of Falun Dafa are extraordinary. From my experience, we can see that Falun Dafa is a true science. It helps individuals to improve their health and their lives. Practicing Falun Dafa will benefit individuals as well as society as a whole.

I am fortunate that Master introduced Falun Gong and saved my life. I am very grateful to Master. I know that Master does not casually cure illnesses; instead he purifies the bodies of practitioners. The extended life is for me to cultivate and return to the origin instead of enjoying an ordinary person's life. I will cherish this opportunity and cultivate diligently.

April 1999