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Director of the Donggang City Court in Liaoning Province Receives Karmic Retribution

August 26, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Editors' note: In both Western and Chinese cultures, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The universe will reward acts that are in harmony with this principle, while doing things such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.

Director of the Donggang City Court in Liaoning Province Receives Karmic Retribution

In his pursuit of money and social status, Wei Diandong, the director of the Donggang City Court in Liaoning Province, sent four practitioners to prison to serve long sentences. When he was presiding over the cases involving practitioners, they tried to clarify the truth to him. Not only did he not want to listen, but he said rudely, "You cannot win your case no matter where you try to appeal." He thought that, as long as he listened to the Chinese Communist Party, nobody could touch him.

Since this incident, Wei Diandong has developed intestinal cancer. It is causing his family great hardship.

The Ex-Head of Zhangjiazhuang Village in Pingdu County, Shandong Province, Suffers Retribution

Wang Fuchang, the ex-director of Zhangjiazhuang Village of the Town of Landi, Pingdu County, Shandong Province, is in his fifties. He is famous in the village for his shrewdness. Since 2006 when he became the village director, in order to advance his career, he showcased his ability to "rectify" the people of the village before the town's Communist Party officials. His persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was most severe, and, because of him, some practitioners' homes were ransacked by outside police. Some practitioners were arrested due to his reporting.

In 2008 Wang Fuchang was hit by a car and his leg was fractured. Tel: 86-532-82348291 (Home)

Official from Township of Landi Demoted and Suffers Financial Loss

Feng Qinghai, an official from the Township of Landi, obeyed the CCP to persecute Falun Gong. When practitioners tried to clarify the truth to him, he refused to listen and argued, "If Heaven decides that the CCP will perish, then we will also perish." In 2007, Feng's home was robbed, and he lost tens of thousands of yuan in cash and other valuables. This incident revealed how much money he kept at home. Officials considered the amount to be out of line and had him investigated. Feng was subsequently demoted to the rank of community officer. 86-532-82340167, 86-13793259996 (Cell)

This article was written on July 31, 2009.