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A Sharing about Making Phone Calls to Clarify the Truth

August 26, 2009 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Yunlin, Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) When I first began to participate in making phone calls to clarify the truth, I had the attachment of fear. When nobody picked up the phone, I thought it was better if nobody listened to me in person and I just left a message. I later made phone calls together with fellow practitioners. When I did not know how to answer the questions, I would pass the phone to them. Due to their encouragement and help, I began to make phone calls by myself.

Later during Fa-study, I understood that I must save the sentient beings in mainland China. After I had this thought, I spent time almost every day making phone calls. Sometimes I felt discomfort somewhere on my body, and my human thoughts would try to make me stop making the phone calls. However, my divine side would persevere and I made phone calls one after another, and without my noticing, the discomfort disappeared. When we have the heart to save sentient beings, we will pass the test very quickly. I really appreciate Master.

I was often touched to the point of tears. I would like to give a few examples.

One time a woman answered the phone. In the beginning she abused me loudly. I said, "I can understand you. In the past I was like you--it was really easy for me to be angry. Even when I encountered trivial things, I got angry enough to get a headache. Then I started practicing Falun Gong, and I conducted myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Our Master teaches us to be good members of society. Because we have energy, whenever we get angry we feel very uncomfortable. It is also not good for others. When other people abuse us we tolerate it and smile. When we are not angry, we feel comfortable, and it is also good for others." After she accepted my opinions, I continued to clarify the truth. Finally she said she really appreciated me and knew "Falun Dafa is good," and she quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

One time when I made a call to a person involved in the persecution, he verbally abused me very severely. I said, "Please let me finish what I have to say. Then if you want to insult me it will not matter." After I clarified the truth, he asked me to prepare a paper and pen and told me that he wanted to quit the CCP. So many sentient beings are waiting for my calls. When I make phone calls, often not just one person gets saved. The word spreads quickly, and later more sentient beings will be saved. Making phone calls can not only eliminate my human attachments but can also save people. Actually, as long as we have the heart to save people, Master will do everything for us.

Three or four practitioners are using their free time to make phone calls. We are encouraging other practitioners to join us. When some practitioners have the attachment of fear, we tell them that if they do not know how to answer the questions they can pass the phone to us. After doing this several times, they are then able to make phone calls by themselves. I feel each practitioner has many sentient beings to save. If we find other practitioners around us are not clarifying the truth, we should care about them and invite them to join us to make phone calls. The above are some of my understandings.

If I have said anything improper, please kindly point it out.

August 6, 2009