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Persevere in True Cultivation

August 18, 2009 |   By a Dafa Disciple in North America

(Clearwisdom.net) One day we were making dumplings at home. My wife made the wrappers and I filled them up. As we were doing this, I complained to my wife, "The wraps are too small." She said, "You put too much filling in them." Although this happened several years ago, this small exchange left a deep impression on my mind. Those were just very common conversations in everyday life, but it reflected a big problem if seen from the perspective of cultivation. It has been very natural for us to look externally instead of looking inward when something comes up. It is so natural that we do not even realize it.

It is very common for people to look at other people's faults. However, true cultivation requires us to look inward unconditionally. The chances for true cultivation can appear in many situations: at home, at work, and of course as we participate in Fa rectification with fellow practitioners.

Once, the coordinator was changed for a local truth clarification project. At that time, human thoughts emerged in my mind. I thought that the new coordinator had too many attachments, and I felt dubious about whether that practitioner could shoulder the responsibility. However, I quickly realized that I was on the wrong track. Master wants each Dafa disciple to succeed. No matter what the cultivation state was for the new coordinator, I had already made the project more difficult by that thought. Due to that single thought, a bad substance had already been created in other dimensions, which blocked our way and served as interference. If other practitioners had similar notions, we would have already put up a big, difficult obstacle in other dimensions before the project was carried out, and that obstacle was created by our own human mindsets.

Reflecting on this incident, I further realized that I should treat myself as a cultivator regardless of the situation and be within the Fa with every single thought. This incident also made me realize another problem of mine. Although I do not say it out loud, I still make judgments about fellow practitioners in my heart. Compared to the Fa, our own judgment or comments are often human notions, which will affect the coordination of the whole body and compromise the effect of Fa validation.

Master warned us a long time ago that

"Maintaining Dafa's tradition, upholding Dafa's cultivation principles, and persevering in true cultivation are long-term tests for every Dafa disciple."(Abandon Human Attachment and Continue True Cultivation in Essentials for Further Advancement)

It is the requirement of the Fa for us to persevere in true cultivation. However, when time is tight and there are too many things to do, we are likely to slack off or relax in doing true cultivation. Through sharing with fellow practitioners, I found that this might be a common phenomenon among us at present. If we are lax in cultivating and improving ourselves when we are busy with all kinds of truth clarification projects, we are behaving as if cultivation could be replaced by doing work.

The publication of Master's Greetings indicates that Fa rectification has stepped into a new stage of "The evil is finished and the environment has changed". Facing the new environment, we should cultivate ourselves even better and accomplish our missions with even stronger righteous thoughts.