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Handling Cultivation and Fa Validation with Immense Compassion and Tolerance

August 14, 2009 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Whether it is in real society or the virtual world-wide web, we often encounter different people with different attitudes toward Dafa, including those "special agents" with ulterior motives and those who undermine the Fa by following a path of evil. When dealing with these people, we are probably able to treat them with compassion and patience at the beginning, but as time goes by, we gradually start adopting some bad or harsh measures, which of course sometimes only works short-term.

When we validate the Fa at different stages, we all encounter different issues and conditions. How we handle these issues in detail is very critical, because it will be left as a reference for the future. When we attack others, it is actually a manifestation of our lacking inner wisdom, which indicates that we should elevate ourselves.

Why do we feel that compassion is not powerful enough, and that adopting a wicked way will have an immediate effect? It is because at each level of the cosmos there are two different substances corresponding to mutual generation and mutual inhibition, and within the scope of the cosmos where the two substances penetrate, there always exists compassion and wickedness, positiveness and negativeness. We are all restricted by these two substances at certain levels of the cosmos. When we feel that a compassionate way doesn't have a positive effect, it's because we are holding on to a certain level. When we are able to truly elevate ourselves and rise above the restrictions of compassion and wickedness at that realm, then an even greater compassion and wisdom will emerge, and at that time we'll be able to really do well.

Teacher often encourages us in his Fa-lectures. Dafa practitioners are gods of different cosmos of the future or lords and kings of even higher realms. We usually are very "pleased" or even get carried away when we hear this. As for the old forces, we all think about these old, evil gods. Yet, is that really the case? Where are the old forces? Our impure and unrighteous thoughts and deeply rooted, stubborn notions--aren't these the manifestation of the old forces?

Although the high-level beings at the end stage of the old cosmos are all aware that their test of Dafa is a persecution, they still insist, indulge and lead the old forces' beings to persecute Dafa. That is because they are still stubbornly holding on to the old cosmos's notions of "only with such 'persecution' can Dafa practitioners be tempered."

The book Zhuan Falun talks about when educating our children, we should not beat or scorn them. Why do many people still scold and impose corporal punishment when they educate their children? Deep in their minds, some people even think that this is an effective way.

We all know that we should be "compassionate" when we deal with differences, including different understandings, among fellow practitioners. Yet, why do we still blame each other without compassion? These are not just simple attachments or notions. They are deeply-rooted elements that originate from the old cosmos. As a matter of fact, every problem we encounter in cultivation is non-trivial. We are assisting Teacher in the Fa-rectification and we are shouldered with a great mission. We should study the Fa more and study the Fa more. We must thoroughly eliminate the old cosmos's notions and completely put an end to the persecution.

It has been ten years since we started validating the Fa. Actually, when we reflect on this, these past ten years can be divided into different stages. For example, initially, over a one year period, we were not able to step forward. During the following several years we clarified the truth in a comprehensive way, and these past few years we have become more "professional and in-depth" in validating the Fa.

Actually, there are even higher requirements for Dafa practitioners. When we validate the Fa, we should not do it casually like we used to. If we do anything, we should do the best we can, and demonstrate Dafa practitioners' high realms and high skills. Every "piece of work" we do when we validate the Fa should truly validate the Fa and save sentient beings.

We are very lucky because we are here in the world when Teacher is with us. We also feel blessed that we are here when the Fa-rectification of the cosmos is taking place. We must be able to break through layer after layer of the fog and haze of the old cosmos, and validate the Fa, save sentient beings in this human world based on the realm to which we have enlightened.