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Turning "Bad Things" into Good Things

June 25, 2009 |   By a practitioner in Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Last year under the premise of "having a safe Olympics," the Chinese Communist regime started to harass and illegally incarcerate Falun Gong practitioners in our small city. They did not allow them to travel far from home and many practitioners were monitored around the clock. I would like to share my cultivation experiences during that period of illegal monitoring.

When I was being monitored, I observed that the police took shifts doing it. They had morning and evening shifts, with two to three officers working each shift. Personnel from the street committee also took part in it. Some of the nearby residents said, "They are too much!" Some said, "This is a waste of taxpayers' money!" A person who knew the facts about Falun Gong stared at a police officer and the policeman said, "What are you looking at?" The person replied, "You policemen don't do anything useful, you specialize in monitoring people who do good deeds."

I wondered what I should do. I studied the Fa and listened to Master's lectures and felt at peace. Through studying the Fa, I increased my confidence in Dafa. I adjusted my attitude and thought, "I must save all of you. Under ordinary circumstances, I would not be able to contact you, but now you offer yourself to me right at my doorstep. This is a good opportunity to help you understand the truth about Falun Gong and be saved. I will turn this bad event into a good one."

One day I went to buy groceries at the supermarket. Initially I was followed, but I had no fear. I pretended not to be aware of them. A few days later I told them, "If you follow me, it is our predestined relationship. Have you thought about this, we have a predestined relationship?" One of them said, "Yes, I agree with you. The first time I saw you, I thought you looked very kind and familiar."

A few days later I told them, "Do you know why I treat you like my family members and don't view you as enemies? It's because I know that it is not by your own free will that you monitor me. You are being used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because you want to make a living. You are also victims." During our conversation, I told them about the unusual celestial phenomenon in the climate and environment, including the floods in the southern regions and the earthquake in Sichuan Province. I used concrete examples to illustrate that the root causes of these disasters was the CCP. They slowly came to accept the truth and gave their approval. I then persuaded them to renounce their membership in the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I told them that in the year 2005, the Epoch Times newspaper sent out a notice that people should renounce their membership in the CCP and its affiliated organizations to remove the mark of the beast put on them by the CCP, and that this would enable them to safeguard their lives during disasters. After understanding the facts, two of them renounced their CCP membership. They were grateful to me and even told me that I was kindhearted.

Through my own personal experiences, I realized that one thought can mean the difference between an ordinary person and a divine being. Thus we should have strict requirements for ourselves. We should thoroughly eliminate our human attachments through our daily lives and let our divine thoughts prevail. Fellow practitioners asked me how I managed to get through these terrible days of being monitored. I said, "Besides studying Fa, doing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts, every time I went out to clarify the truth, I asked Master to give me strength."