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Additional Persecution News from China - December 12, 2009 (21 Reports)

December 28, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 17 cities or counties in 14 provinces. In this report, 38 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 28 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Zairong Arrested by Dalian Domestic Security Division
  2. [Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Dong Shuzhi and Ms. Bai Yulan Arrested
  3. [Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Bai Lizhu Detained at Daqing Detention Center
  4. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Yan Arrested
  5. [Beijing] Daxing Women's Forced Labor Camp Secretly Transferring Practitioners
  6. [Tangshan, Hebei Province] Sisters Ms. Wang Xiuwen and Ms. Wang Xiuqin Facing Sentences
  7. [Shanghai] Ms. Han Chunyan Arrested for the Sixth Time
  8. [Beijing] Mr. Chu Zhengxia Arrested
  9. [Tianjin] Ms. Guo Chengru Arrested
  10. [Quzhou County, Hebei Province] Mr. Gao Jinqi Arrested
  11. [Yanzhou, Shandong Province] Ms. Wei Maoxia and Her Son Mr. Zhang Chao Sentenced
  12. [Qingyun County, Shandong Province] 610 Office Agents Try to Extort Money from Practitioner
  13. [Wuning County, Jiangxi Province] Mr. Wang Liming and Ms. Liu Qin Arrested
  14. [Zhengzhou, Henan Province] Ms. Gao Shangqin Arrested
  15. [Ningbo, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhuo Pengyi and Mr. Jiang Jingui Sentenced
  16. [Nanyang, Henan Province] Mr. Deng Liu and Ms. Hu Shulan Arrested
  17. [Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province] Domestic Security Division Attempts Extortion from Ms. Li Guihua's Family
  18. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Many Practitioners Arrested
  19. [Nanjing, Jiangshu Province] Two More Practitioners Arrested in Lishui County
  20. [Chaoyang, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners Imprisoned at Forced Labor Camp
  21. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] A Girl in Secondary School Suspended by School Due to Speaking Out for Falun Dafa

1. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Zairong Arrested by Dalian Domestic Security Division

Mr. Wang Zairong was arrested by the Dalian Domestic Security Division on December 8, 2009. Mr. Wang is detained at the Yaojia Detention Center.

Jiao Jian, Domestic Security agent: 86-13591342797 (Cell)

2. [Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Dong Shuzhi and Ms. Bai Yulan Arrested

Ms. Dong Shuzhen and Ms. Zhou Fenglan (alias Bai Yulan) were arrested while they were talking about Falun Dafa to passersby at Lu Road on December 9, 2009. They are detained at the Daqing Detention Center. Officers said that they would be sentenced to prison or forced labor camp.

3. [Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Bai Lizhu Detained at Daqing Detention Center

Between 3:00 p.m. And 4:00 p.m. on December 8, 2009, four officers from the Daqing Security Division, led by Feng Haibo and Sun Fengwen, arrested Ms. Bai Lizhu and searched her home. Ms. Bai is detained at the Daqing No. 1 Detention Center.

4. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Yan Arrested

At around 7:00 p.m. on December 9, 2009, officers from the Dongta Police Station arrested Ms. Wang Yang while she was talking about Falun Dafa with shoppers at the Shenyang 204 Market. The officers subsequently searched Ms. Wang's home and seized a copier and Falun Dafa books and printouts.

5. [Beijing] Daxing Women's Forced Labor Camp Secretly Transferring Practitioners

Practitioners released from the Daxing Women's Forced Labor Camp reported that the guards quietly transferred some practitioners to an unknown place at night. Ms. Huang Ling and Ms. Sun Yi from Beijing, and Ms. He Mingqin from Miyun County were among those secretly transferred.

6. [Tangshan, Hebei Province] Sisters Ms. Wang Xiuwen and Ms. Wang Xiuqin Facing Sentences

On August 24, 2009, officers from the Xige Police Station arrested sisters Ms. Wang Xiuwen and Ms. Wang Xiuqin while they were speaking out for Falun Dafa in the open market in Xige Town, Fengnan District, Tangshan City. The police then searched their home and detained them at the Fengnan Detention Center. On the fifteenth day after, their family went to the detention center to pick them up, but they were told that the sisters had been transferred to Fengnan Prison the day before. They have now be imprisoned for more than three months. According to a reliable source, they will be in court on December 17.

Fengnan Court: 86-315-8292153, 86-315-8292175
Hu Yongjun, president of Fengnan Court: 86-315-8292906, 86-13930553788 (Cell)
Ma Dongsheng, deputy president of Fengnan Court: 86-315-8292902, 86-315-8127180, 86-13513444688 (Cell)
Zhang Xuefeng, deputy CCP secretary of Fengnan Court: 86-315-8292908, 86-315-8107818, 86-13832900666 (Cell)
Zhou Qingdong, deputy president of Fengnan Court: 86-315-8292912, 86-315-8185585, 86-13832983928 (Cell)

7. [Shanghai] Ms. Han Chunyan Arrested for the Sixth Time

Ms. Han Chunyan in Shanghai has been arrested six times since the CCP began persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in July 1999.

In November 1999, Ms. Han was arrested for appealing in Beijing. She was detained at the Wujiaochang Police Headquarters for 24 hours.

During 2000 New Year Holidays, Ms. Han was detained at a detention center for a month.

In July 2000, Ms. Han was sentenced to three years in prison for distributing Falun Dafa printouts by the Hongkou District Court.

In February 2004, Ms. Han was sentenced to four years in prison for distributing Falun Dafa printouts by the Baoshan District Court.

In September 2009, Ms. Han was detained for distributing Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs at a detention center for a month.

In November 2009, Ms. Han was imprisoned at a brainwashing center for fifteen days by agents from the Yangpu District 610 Office.

8. [Beijing] Mr. Chu Zhengxia Arrested

On the evening of December 10, 2009, Mr. Chu Zhenxia from Chaoyang District was arrested while he was distributing Falun Dafa information sheets. Mr. Chu works for the Construction Finance Office of the Chinese Ministry of Metallurgy.

9. [Tianjin] Ms. Guo Chengru Arrested

Ms. Guo Chengru is a greeter at the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Tianjin Medical University. On the afternoon of December 9, 2009, officers from the Youyi Road Police Station in Hexi District arrested Ms. Guo after a security officer reported that she talked about Falun Dafa to patients. She was detained at the Tianjin City Detention Center in Chaozhuangzi, Xiqing District. She was said to be detained for 15 days. The police searched Ms. Guo's home and seized a computer, a TV, 900 yuan in cash, and Falun Dafa materials.

On December 11, 2009, officers from the local police station informed Ms. Guo's family that her detention had been changed to a one-month criminal detention. The Hexi District Police Department has become involved in her case.

Hexi District Police Department: 86-22-23394890
Youyi Road Police Station, Hexi District: 86-22-88293369

10. [Quzhou County, Hebei Province] Mr. Gao Jinqi Arrested

On December 9, 2009, officers from the Hou Village Police Station arrested Mr. Guo Jinqi. Mr. Guo is imprisoned at the Quzhou County Detention Center.

Hou Village Police Station: 86-310-8798330
Ji Shaochun, director of Hou Village Police Station: 86-15303267868 (Cell), 86-15530072999 (Cell)
Guan Liming, deputy director of Hou Village Police Station: 86-13931061388 (Cell)

11. [Yanzhou, Shandong Province] Ms. Wei Maoxia and Her Son Mr. Zhang Chao Sentenced

On December 10, 2009, Ms. Wei Maoxia was harshly sentenced to eight years in prison, and her son, Mr. Zhang Chao, was harshly sentenced to seven years in prison. Their whereabouts are unknown.

12. [Qingyun County, Shandong Province] 610 Office Agents Try to Extort Money from Practitioner

After failing to arrest Ms. Li Xinli, agents from the Qingyun County 610 Office recently harassed Ms. Li's family on many occasions, demanding 30,000 yuan and claiming that would end their harassments. Surely, they were rejected by Ms. Li's family.

13. [Wuning County, Jiangxi Province] Mr. Wang Liming and Ms. Liu Qin Arrested

On the evening of November 20, 2009, the couple Mr. Wang Liming and Ms. Liu Qin were arrested, and their home was searched. Mr. Wang works for the county government. Ms. Liu works for the county farming machinery station.

14. [Zhengzhou, Henan Province] Ms. Gao Shangqin Arrested

Ms. Gao Shangqin lives in Bailutun Village, Shifo Town, Gaoxin District. She is a retiree from Zhengzhou City Chemical Plant. On the morning of November 30, 2009, she was arrested on her way to the open market by officers from the Zhengzhou City Police Department and the Shifo Town Police Station. Liu (given name unknown), an officer from the city police department, searched her home and seized Falun Dafa books and information sheets. Ms. Gao is imprisoned at the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City. Her husband, who is paralyzed, is left alone at home without care.

15. [Ningbo, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhuo Pengyi and Mr. Jiang Jingui Sentenced

On November 23, 2009, the Ningbo Court sentenced Mr. Zhuo Pengyi to nine and a half years in prison and Mr. Jiang Jingui to eight and a half years in prison.

16. [Nanyang, Henan Province] Mr. Deng Liu and Ms. Hu Shulan Arrested

On December 6, 2009, Nanyang Oil Field retirees Mr. Deng Liu and Ms. Hu Shulan, a couple, were arrested while they were talking about Falun Dafa to passersby in Zhangdian Town, Tanghe County. They were first detained at the local police station, then the Tanghe County Detention Center. The police extorted 8,000 yuan from their former employer and detained them for 15 days.

17. [Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province] Domestic Security Division Attempts Extortion from Ms. Li Guihua's Family

On her way home from grocery shopping at noon on November 29, 2009, officers from the South Lushan Road Police Station arrested Ms. Li Guihua in front of the gate of the Jiujiang First Middle School, for talking about Falun Dafa to people. At around 5:00 p.m., three officers from the station searched her home. Ms. Li is imprisoned at the Jiujiang City Detention Center.

The police station transferred the case to the Domestic Security Division of the Xunyang District Police Department. When Ms. Li's family requested her release at the division office, officers told the family to pay 100,000 yuan for her release. When the family said that they did not have that much money, the officer lowered the amount to 10,000 yuan.

Domestic Security Division, Xunyang District Police Department: 86-792-8222273
Li Ming, director of Domestic Security Division
Li Jun (female), deputy director of the Domestic Security Division
Kong Jiang, officer of Domestic Security Division

18. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Many Practitioners Arrested

At around 8:00 p.m. on September 23, 2009, Song Zheming, director of the Domestic Security Division, Funing County Police Department, Cai Guangyu, head of security office of the Changbai Plant of the Shougang Group, along with officers and agents from the neighborhood office arrested six practitioners who work for the Changbai Plant, at their homes. One of practitioners escaped. At the same time, they arrested Ms. Wei Shuzheng who lives in the Xingfuli neighborhood, Nandaihe area. All homes of arrested practitioners were searched. Officers seized computers, printers, Falun Dafa books, and other materials.

On three subsequent occasions, three practitioners went to Ms. Pang Xiaohong's home to visit her parents. Ms. Pang was among those arrested. These three practitioners were tracked and arrested, and their homes were searched.

Five practitioners have been released after being extorted 3,000 yuan. The remaining three practitioners, Ms. Pang Xiaohong, Mr. Wei Shuzheng, and Mr. Meng Fanwei, are still imprisoned, and family visits are denied.

19. [Nanjing, Jiangshu Province] Two More Practitioners Arrested in Lishui County

Around November 25, 2009, agents from the Nanjing 610 Office, agents from the Lishui County 610 Office, and police officers arrested Ms. Bian Weili and Ms. Liu Changfeng, and searched their homes. The practitioners are imprisoned at a brainwashing center in Baima area, Nishui County.

Another practitioner, Ms. Sun Guangyu, was arrested on November 3, 2009. She was imprisoned at the Judong Forced Labor Camp. Because a stomach tumor was found in her physical exam, the camp started the release process for medical reasons, but agents of the Lishui County 610 Office took Ms. Sun out of the camp and then imprisoned her in a brainwashing camp in the Baima area of Lishui County. They did not let her to seek any medical treatment nor let her family visit her.

20. [Chaoyang, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners Imprisoned at Forced Labor Camp

On the morning of November 7, 2009, Zhang Minghua from Chaoying City Police Department, Zhao Liji from the Domestic Security Division, Li Wenguang from the Guangming Police Brigade, along with other officers arrested Mr. Yu Guangyao, Mr. Xiang Baohui, and Ms. Li Cuihua, and imprisoned them at the Wujiawa Detention Center. Zhang Minghua and Qu Lianchun, CCP secretary of the Chaoyang City Political and Judiciary Committee (also known as the 610 Office), plotted to sentence Mr. Yu and Mr. Xiang to one year in a forced labor camp and find a cause to sentence Ms. Li. On December 7, 2009, Feng Zhenjie and Qi Yaowu, deputy directors of the Guangming Police Department, sent Mr. Yu and Mr. Xiang to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City. Mr. Xiang was rejected by the camp because of his health condition.

Guangming Police Department: 86-421-2915299
Feng Zhenjie, deputy director of Guangming Police Department: 86-421-2927086 (Office), 86-13304213996 (Cell)
Zhang Minghua, deputy director of Chaoyang City Police Department: 86-421-2628248 (Office), 86-421-2636666 (Home), 86-13394219999 (Cell), 86-13904213399 (Cell)
Qu Lianchun, CCP secretary of Chaoyang City Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-421-2612917, 86-421-2966577, 86-13304217839 (Cell)

21. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] A Girl in Secondary School Suspended by School Due to Speaking Out for Falun Dafa

A female student at the Laiyuan County Vocational Education Center wrote a essay which stated that the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was inhuman. The Chinese teacher then reported it to the teacher in charge, who then reported it to the school principal, who suspended the student. Her parents are seeking help to have their daughter continue her education.

Li Zhiqiang, principal of Laiyuan County Vocational Education Center: 86-13513433999 (Cell)
Li Guoshan, director of Academic Office, Laiyuan County Vocational Education Center: 13021875818 (Cell)

Written on December 12, 2009