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The Importance of Keeping Some Things Confidential

December 23, 2009 |   By Tong Xin

(Clearwisdom.net) When talking about keeping secrets, people tend to think of the intelligence organizations whose members keep quiet about everything they do, even to their family members.

Then, how are cultivators to deal with keeping secrets? In the Fa-rectification period, although the actions that Dafa disciples take to validate the Fa and save sentient beings are open and sacred, the old forces will utilize bad people to interfere with or damage Fa-rectification activities. Since Dafa disciples conform to the way ordinary people do things to the maximum extent, keeping secrets is thus also becoming a cultivation issue.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been infiltrating certain Southeast Asian countries for many years. It uses the fact that those countries are economically dependent on China to lure them into giving up freedom of religion, a universal human right, in exchange for a little economic gain. Those countries choose not to distinguish the bad from the good and therefore assist in suppressing good people. The country that I am in has a heavy economic dependency on mainland China, so activities in our country to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong are sometimes suppressed by the government as a result of pressure from the Chinese embassy or consulates.

In the past, since we didn't realize the importance of keeping secrets, some truth-clarification activities were canceled by the hosting organizations during preparation, sometimes even at the last minute. Although, as cultivators, we should not complain about the hosts (non-practitioners), the fact is that these incidents are related to our cultivation. Teacher said,

"So for security's sake, a lot of the things you do to save sentient beings can't be known widely before you do them."

"... before things start up the consulate makes a phone call ..." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York")

Since Teacher has taught the Fa at this level to us, we should pay attention to this issue when doing important projects in the future. The old forces will try to interfere with and damage our projects, because the old lives' understanding is that cultivators need to cultivate in tribulations to establish their own mighty virtue. As Teacher rectifies the Fa, every old life in the universe needs to return to its righteous state and all interference should be eliminated. As Dafa disciples shouldering the mission to safeguard Dafa, we should let go of all human notions and attachments and put Dafa and saving sentient beings first all the time. I think that once we form one body, the interference and resistance will disappear, because the reason they exist is our attachments.

Most recently we participated in a large event in our region. The Divine Land Marching Band's participation made us the highlight of the event. It is rare in the history of this country to have a band of nearly 200 people performing.

We kept the information about the upcoming event only among a few practitioners. Some practitioners didn't understand why we didn't share the information, but when comparing the individual with the whole, we knew what we should do.

Actually, if we amplify the issue of keeping secrets and paying attention to safety to the grand level of the universe's Fa-rectification, when our main body does things in the human world, aren't our bodies at all levels in other dimensions doing things to harmonize the Fa, too? It is just in different states and with different manifestations. When, in the future, there are lives at some levels damaging the Fa as the old forces are doing now, the universe will have an automatic mechanism to eliminate the evil and harmonize the Fa at that level. That's what the future universe needs.

While in the future everything we do will be out in the open and there will be no need for secrets, during this special period when we do projects to validate the Fa for the sake of saving sentient beings, certain information can be kept confidential. Practitioners that participate in the project need to realize that keeping things secret is critical for the project and also the responsibility of a Dafa disciple. For those practitioners that aren't participating in the project, not being informed of the details of such a project does not mean that you are not trusted. Even ordinary society has company regulations and trade secret rules. Keeping secrets also shows Dafa disciples' heart of being responsible for the Fa and responsible for the group as a whole. Only when we give up the attachment to personal opinions can we harmonize the group as a whole.

Original Article: December 9, 2009