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610 Office Agents Deploy Tear Gas When Arresting Mr. Zhang Yu and His Family

December 20, 2009 |  

Name: Zhang Yu (张宇)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: August 8, 2009
Most recent place of detention:
A detention center in Manzhouli City, Inner Mongolia (内蒙古满洲里市一看守所)

City: Manzhouli
Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region
Persecution Suffered:
Imprisonment, tear gas

(Clearwisdom.net) (By a correspondent from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region) On August 8, 2009, officials of the Manzhouli City Political and Judiciary Committee in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and agents of the 610 Office deployed tear gas when arresting Mr. Zhang Yu; his wife, Ms. Xing Shuguang; his parents; and his daughter. As a result, Mr. Zhang has developed heart problems and Ms. Xing has lost hearing in both ears. Both remain in the detention center.

The police have continued to harass Mr. Zhang's elderly parents since releasing them. They now suspect that Mr. Zhang's teenage daughter helped expose the police brutality over the Internet. She had told the officers that she knew nothing about the news being made public. However, the officers tried to pressure her grandparents into turning her in to the police. After witnessing police cruelty herself, she would rather be homeless than fall into the hands of the police.

Despite the fact that both Mr. Zhang and his wife are in poor health, the authorities are planning to place the couple on trial.

Individuals involved in the persecution:

Yan Min, deputy mayor of Manzhouli City in charge of legal affairs: 86-470- 6262231, 86-13304703565 (Cell)
Bai Xiaojuan, Party secretary of the Police and Judiciary Committee: 86-470-6262919, 86-13847096666 (Cell)
Liu Wen, deputy Party secretary of the Police and Judiciary Committee: 86-470-6295299, 86-13904703315 (Cell)
Ren Guangshan, deputy Party secretary of the Police and Judiciary Committee: 86-470-6229998, 86-13904703909 (Cell)
Li Jingcheng, director of the 610 Office
Ma Ying, deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-470-6262588, 86-13314707963
Sun Shaowei, deputy director of the 610 Office
Xu Zhenyan, deputy chief of the police department: 86-470-6261050 ext. 7881, 86-13904703856 (Cell)
Che Yong, chief of the Hezuo District Police Department: 86-470-6263672, 86-13804706099 (Cell)
Han Xiaogang, head of the Domestic Security Division of the Hezuo District Police Department: 86-13947043117
Wang Qinghai, Domestic Security Division: 86-13514700919 (Cell)
Wang Xiyuan, procuratorator: 86-470-6264563, 86-13904701177 (Cell)
Li Yi, head judge of the court: 86-13304706577 (Cell)

December 12, 2009