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Quoting Dafa Articles Must Be Accurate and Done with Respect

December 17, 2009 |   By a practitioner from Guangdong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) When I was reading experience sharing articles on the Minghui website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom) yesterday, I once again found some mistakes in the citing of Master's original words. Not too long ago, practitioners were reminded not to make mistakes, even in punctuation, when quoting from Dafa articles. Here I would like remind every practitioner that when quoting Master's words, we cannot casually type the words. Practitioners who can use Internet must copy and paste from the original articles.

I would like to introduce a quick way to search the original Dafa articles on the Internet: Once you get online, go to www.google.com. In Google, after entering the key words to search for, you leave a space and type site:falundafa.org. This way you can only search within this Dafa website. It is very fast.

If you want to search articles by other practitioners, you can search within the Minghui (or Clearwisdom) website. Again, in Google, type in your key words, then add a space and site:minghui.org (for Chinese) or site:clearwisdom.net for articles in English. Use the same technique if you want to search other websites maintained by practitioners.

Anything related to Dafa is not minor. Please pay close attention to this issue.

December 2, 2009