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Dafa Practitioners' Solemn Declarations

November 02, 2009 |  


Solemn Declaration

I obtained Dafa in 1999. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong that same year. When I first started cultivating I wasn't very diligent and the gigantic lies spread by the CCP throughout the nation had an impact on my believing and trusting Dafa. Later on in 2008, when I came to understand the truth about Dafa and the self immolation incident, I reentered Dafa cultivation. Between 1999 and 2004, because of my attachment to fear, I burned some of Teacher's Fa teachings. Since I didn't do a good job protecting Dafa books, I allowed family members to do whatever they wanted, causing them to commit crimes against Dafa.

When the police were smearing Teacher in public, I was not angry at all, and I even had an I-don't-care attitude. Teacher, I beg your pardon for what I did and said. Here I solemnly declare that my words and deeds that were harmful to Dafa are void. I shall diligently study the Fa and practice the exercises and do the three thingswell, so that Teacher will not have to worry about me too much.

Gao Shan

October 6, 2009

Chinese version available at:

Solemn Declaration

In August 1999, I wrote a guarantee statement at my place of work promising "not to study the Fa or do the Falun Gong exercises," and I turned in a small book of Fa lectures. As I had not studied the Fa well at that time, I thought I could play games with these statements. Although I had promised to stop being a practitioner, I continued to cultivate in secret. In September 1999, as I was on my way to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, I was arrested half-way there and taken to a police station. I was detained there for thirty days. After returning home, I was pressured by my family and my workplace, and once again I wrote a guarantee.

Later on, a "transformed" practitioner deceived me into giving up a set of Dafa books. This was the biggest shame of my life. Thinking about it now, I regret it a great deal. In 2002 I finally returned to Dafa as our compassionate Teacher did not forsake me, fellow practitioners visited me at home to help me understand where I had gone astray and to encourage me. Here, I solemnly state that I declare as void whatever I have said, written, and done which is not in agreement with the Fa. From now on, I shall walk well the path arranged by Teacher.

Wang Lihua

October 11, 2009

Chinese version available at: