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Don't Hesitate When Saving Sentient Beings

November 02, 2009 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Master clearly told us in a lecture in 2004,

"From now on, the Dafa disciples in China as much as anyone, both new students and veterans alike, should let go of their long-standing human attachments and start to seize the day and comprehensively save the world's people. Once the current time period is over, the first large-scale process of weeding out sentient beings will begin. For a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple, personal liberation is not the goal of cultivation: when you came, saving sentient beings was your great aspiration, and that is the responsibility and mission history has bestowed upon you in Fa-rectification. Thus great numbers of beings are to be saved by you." ("Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People")

I set up a truth-clarification materials production site at my home in 2004. Today I would like to share some of my cultivation experiences during the process with my fellow practitioners. My level is limited. Please point out anything inappropriate.

When I started telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong, I didn't yet have a materials production site at home. Facing a large number of people who have been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and with just a few fellow practitioners near me, I chose talking to them face-to-face as my main method of telling them the facts about Falun Gong.

Those days I often met people who were deeply deluded by the evil CCP and who could not pull themselves out. One day I ran into a former classmate. I asked him, "Do you know the truth about the Tiananmen Self-immolation Incident?" He said, "I have seen materials about it." He asked me doubtfully, "The CCP can't be deceiving all its people and the world, can it?" I was very sympathetic to his having the predestined relationship to hear the truth, but not believing it. The things done by the CCP is the most evil in the history of mankind, and has gone beyond what most people can believe possible.

Two days later I received a truth-clarification VCD on the doorstep of my home. I put it in the VCD player, and saw that it was the VCD about the "Tiananmen Self-immolation Incident." The video clearly showed the suspicious aspects of the incident. I gave it to my classmate right away. A few days later, he called me, "Now I see it clearly. There is even some anti-web-blocking software. I can surf the net freely now!" I was happy to see that he finally knew the truth.

This made me see that video CDs have their unique advantages. They provide a large amount of content, are straight forward and visual, as well as easy to store and distribute, and they have anti-web-blocking software to help people circumvent the Internet blockade, and learn more truth about the persecution. I thought, "Why don't I go ahead and make these? Yes, it's difficult and I will need to start from the beginning. But if I have the wish, study the Fa more, and my xinxing will improve, and no difficulty can stop me." I decided to make VCDs myself to help more people learn the truth.

Another reason I decided to make truth-clarification VCDs was that for a while, every time I went out, I carried with me some short truth-clarification messages. And after I entered the latest Dynaweb (anti-web-blocking) sites into my cell phone, I started sending the messages around the country. Among the returned messages I received, I often saw "Thank you!" or "It's open!" or "I see Dynaweb!" Time and again I felt their touching feelings and the hope people had to search for the truth. I thought I would start making truth-clarifying VCDs like fellow practitioners and save sentient beings wholeheartedly.

"Cultivation depends on one's own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one's master." (Zhuan Falun)

With this thought, I felt that master was helping me. One day, I had a chance to attend an experience-sharing conference. Fellow practitioners shared their experiences on how to do the three things well. On the production of local truth-clarification VCDs, one practitioner said people had an urgent need for truth-clarification materials. VCD players are very popular in our area and more and more people have started using computers, and their prices were becoming more and more affordable. These were not coincidences, as everything is for the Fa. He suggested that practitioners with technical skills and the budget should start making more VCDs to save sentient beings.

At that time and according to local practitioners' cultivation status, the major difficulties in producing truth clarification materials, especially VCDs, were as follows:

(1) Technical difficulties. Technical restrictions and limitations was causing a lag in local Fa-validation efforts. Practitioners were thus eager to learn the necessary computer and VCD-burning skills.

(2) Financial difficulties. Some practitioners had technical expertise, but due to the persecution, they had financial difficulties, which prevented them from fulfilling their good wishes.

(3) Lack of will to advance diligently. Some practitioners had good technical and financial capabilities, but they lacked the right understanding about setting up home-based truth clarification materials sites. They depended on large materials sites for a long time, instead of maximizing their efforts to save sentient beings.

(4) Some practitioners with technical expertise could have done better in helping others to improve their technical skills.

Through this experience sharing conference, practitioners solidly looked within at our shortcomings according to the Fa, and coordinated as a whole body. The conference played a positive role in promoting the further improvement of local Fa-rectification work. There are no shortcuts on the path of cultivation. All kinds of attachments, especially the attachments of depending on others and fear, are obstacles to the establishment of materials sites. Although our cultivation path and cultivation states differ from one another, Master said,

"The old forces have arranged for all Dafa disciples a set of their things, so if a Dafa disciple doesn't follow Master's requirements, he must be following the old forces' arrangements." ("Be Clearheaded")

Master has said that materials sites should blossom everywhere like flowers. This is needed for both Fa-validation and saving sentient beings, as well as negating the old forces' arrangements. We must steadfastly treat the Fa as Master and eliminate all the factors of persecution and interference with righteous thoughts. Master said,

"Clarifying the facts is something you must do, and you must do it to the end. It's not something we do according to the old forces' arrangements; we completely negate everything of the old forces." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference")

After practitioners' xinxing improved, home-based truth-clarification materials sites were established one after another. Meanwhile, the already-existing sites improved. With the warm help and encouragement from practitioners with technical expertise, I started to learn computer skills attentively. From turning the computer on and off, to using the keyboard, to accessing the Internet and downloading articles, to burning VCDs and printing, I grasped the necessary computer skills in a short period of time. With lots of hard work and selfless help from other practitioners, my home materials site was established in late 2004.

I then started compiling and submitting articles to the Minghui website, publishing "three withdrawals" announcements (withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations), making VCDs and printing truth-clarification materials. I was able to use this to clarify the truth and save people, and to do the three things that Master requires.

The above was my path in setting up home-based materials sites. Please kindly point out whatever is not appropriate.