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A Cab Driver with a Sense of Justice

October 05, 2009 |   Written by a college professor in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Last week, I went out with a colleague from the college where I work to buy some equipment. We took a taxi back. The driver, who appeared to be in his forties, was very talkative. We started to chat when the driver suddenly said, "Falun Dafa is good! I am not against it. I support it!"

I looked at the driver with surprise and said, "You have cigarettes in front of you. There are some people in our college who practice Falun Gong. They don't smoke or drink. You don't practice Falun Gong. Why do you dare to say that Falun Dafa is good!"

The driver replied, "I don't practice Falun Gong. But I know that Falun Gong is good. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claimed on TV that Falun Gong is bad, but they are lying. Over these past few years, many of my customers have been Falun Dafa disciples. They are good people among good people."

My colleague interrupted, "Falun Gong is very effective in curing illness. An auntie named Zhang suffered from a form of rheumatism. She was sick all day and in great pain. After she learned Falun Gong, her face had a rosy complexion and she seemed like another person. She has been detained twice at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. She is not afraid to ask people to quit the CCP in public and says that Heaven will eliminate the CCP. It sounds reasonable to me."

Once my colleague mentioned quitting the CCP, the atmosphere in the taxi came alive. The driver kept talking non-stop. He said, "We should quit it. It is good to quit the CCP before it dies. A Falun Dafa practitioner that I gave a ride to helped me quit CCP and gave me the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. It is indeed a good book! It covers everything. The CCP is indeed very corrupt and a bully. I have been a taxi driver for a few years. Sometimes I work 12 hours a day, from early morning to late at night. I earn very little after expenses and barely make a living. I really understood after I read the Nine Commentaries. The money I earn should belong to me, but instead goes into the pocket of the CCP's greedy officials. I also see that if the CCP does not collapse, we ordinary people won't have good life."

After I got out of the taxi, I suddenly felt respect in my heart toward this taxi driver, an ordinary person who dares to show support for Falun Gong in public. It makes me, an intellectual and a teacher, feel very ashamed. How evil the CCP is! I know it very clearly as a person who studies history. The CCP can do any kind of bad deed and tell any kind of lie. The CCP is truly teaching people to be bad. How could it let people learn, "Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance," and help them to be a good person?

Out of fear of the CCP, I chose to protect myself. Why can't I be as courageous as that cab driver, speak out for Falun Gong, and say, "Falun Dafa is good! I support it!" when I see people! I need to read the Nine Commentaries and quit the CCP on the Internet site set up for that purpose.

September 25, 2009