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Solemn Declarations by Dafa Practitioners

October 25, 2009 |  


Solemn Declaration

On August 21, 2009, I was illegally arrested by four policemen from the local public security bureau. I almost lost my life from being tortured in jail. However, Teacher saved me and gave me a second chance. During my incarceration, I was forced against my will to claim that I would not practice Falun Gong. That was because I had the attachment to fear and time, did not cultivate my speech, and did not respect Teacher and the Fa. I solemnly declare that what I said about quitting practicing Falun Gong was invalid. From now on, I will think and act righteously, do the three things well, and make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

Wang Xun

September 18, 2009


Solemn Declaration

On July 1, 2008, I was illegally taken to a detention center and subsequently sentenced to one year and three months of forced labor. Because I did not study the Fa well and did not firmly believe in Teacher and the Fa, the old forces took advantage of that loophole. Because of my attachment to sentimentality, I wrote the "Five Statements" (similar to the Three Statements) under the guards' persuasion and coercion. During my detention in the forced labor camp, I helped the guards to brainwash other practitioners, thus committing unpardonable sins. I solemnly declare that all my words and acts that were not in accordance with Dafa or were disrespectful to Teacher are invalid. I will make up for the losses I caused Dafa, do the three things well, and be steadfast in my cultivation till the end.

Xuan Yinfeng

September 25, 2009
