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Widespread Use of Cruel Torture Methods Reveals the Evil Nature of the Chinese Communist Party (Photos)

October 24, 2009 |   By Tang En

(Clearwisdom.net) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducts genocide against its own people, which also reveals its inhuman nature.

In July 1999, the CCP and the Jiang Zemin clique launched a brutal persecution against more than 100 million Falun Gong practitioners, who follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The persecutory policies Jiang and his predecessors have pursued against Falun Gong include "defaming their reputation, bankrupting them financially, destroying them physically." Under his instructions, the 610 Office, which was solely established for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong, carried out genocidal policies, such as "death of Falun Gong practitioners from beating is nothing and shall be counted as suicide; the body shall be directly cremated without investigating the person's identification."

Falun Gong practitioners have suffered from over a hundred methods of cruel torture at the hands of the police, including: being shocked with high-voltage electric batons, handcuffed and shackled in painful positions, cuffed with one's hands behind the back, thrown into dungeons, water dungeons or manure pits; tied to a death bed, forced to sit on small stools [two inches off the ground] for long periods of time, solitary confinement, forced to sit on metal stools for long periods of time, the tiger bench, forced to squat for long periods of time, tied up with ropes and hung up in the air, having nails inserted under the practitioners' fingernails, flesh being torn away with pliers, fingernails being pulled out with pliers, needles inserted into their fingers, concentrated acid dripped into their nostrils, force-fed through nostrils with water laced with (extremely hot) cayenne pepper or highly-concentrated salt water, even feces; having icy cold water poured on their body in the winter, forced to stand outside in severe frigidity with few clothes on or under the scorching sun in the summer; disallowed to use the toilet; sexual abuses; female practitioners being thrown into male cells for sexual abuse and sometimes raped by the police; pregnant practitioners forced to have an abortion; forced into psychiatric hospitals and injected with drugs that damage the central nerve system; shocked with electric needles, etc. What is even more cruel, organs of living Falun Gong practitioners were harvested for profit and their bodies cremated to destroy the evidence.

The purpose of torture: destroy practitioners' will

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zou Guoyan was sent to Daqing Prison in 2001. During his detention, he suffered extremely cruel torture at the hands of the guards, including having his genitals tied up and nails hammered in under his fingernails. Some days ago, an article on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website reported that Mr. Wang Zhiwen, a volunteer coordinator of the former Falun Gong Research Association was incarcerated at Qianjin Prison, where he was once pressed down by inmates under the instigation of the guards. They stepped on his hands and stabbed toothpicks into all his ten fingers, which bled profusely. When the guards use this form of torture, they first hammer bamboo sticks into the fingernails, which rip open or tear out on impact, exposing the extremely sensitive parts underneath the nails. The excruciating pain suffered by the victims during this process is beyond description. The guards first hammer a bamboo stick into one finger; if the practitioner still refuses to give up his/her belief, the guards would continue to hammer sticks into the rest of the fingers until all ten fingers are inserted with bamboo sticks. Sometimes they would stick metal wire into the fingers and then connect the wire with a generator to shock the victims with high-voltage currency.

It is absolutely unacceptable that such inhuman torture as "hammering bamboo sticks into fingers" is still occurring in the 21st century China. All these forms of torture are used in order to destroy the will of Falun Gong practitioners and to force them to give up their belief and sell their soul by writing the so-called guarantee statement. The police deliberately uses such brutal torture to inflict extreme pain to the victims in order to destroy their will.

 Hammering in bamboo sticks

Mr. Wang Xinchun lost both feet as a result of torture

Mr. Wang Xinchun, 34 years old, from Yichun City, used to be a healthy young man. In January 2002, Cui Yuzhong, head of the Police Department and Wang Wei, head of the local police station instigated police officers to pour hot water into a basin and put Wang Xinchun's frozen feet into the hot water (it is common knowledge that such conduct would cause serious damage and even disability of one's feet). Indeed, after a few months of ulceration, both his feet had to be amputated, causing him to be disabled for life.

Wang Xinchun, lost both his feet due to torture

 Gao Rongrong's face was disfigured from being shocked with electric batons

In May 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong from Shenyang City was shocked with electric batons for seven hours by policemen Tang Yubao and Jiang Zhaohua; her face was severely disfigured. In November 2005, Hebei policeman He Xuejian raped two female practitioners. There are many more unspeakable heinous crimes hidden in the labor camps and prisons in China.

The course of nature is evident

As the ancient saying goes: Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil. Both the chief culprits and their accomplices will be brought to justice. Those CCP officials or police officers who have participated in the persecution in the past, can only have a way out by showing repentance and mending their ways; the only way they can save themselves is to quit the CCP as soon as possible.