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My Experiences Clarifying the Truth

January 05, 2009 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing


Today I explained the facts about Falun Gong to six people. Three of them truly understood. I'd like to share this experience with fellow practitioners. Just as Teacher said in "To the 2005 European Experience Sharing Conference:"

"The Dafa disciples' combined efforts have made the truth known around the entire world and will leave the evil with no place to hide. This has fully displayed the magnificence of the Dafa disciples of the righteous Fa and righteous belief."

In October 2003 when I was working at a fashion design competition, I ran into someone who worked for the Beijing Film Production Factory. When I was clarifying the truth to her, she told me that her factory had dismissed every employee who practiced Falun Gong. Yet this was contrary to fact that the boss at her factory only wanted to hire practitioners. He had a very favorable impression of them after supervising a practitioner that always worked very hard. This employee came to work early and stayed late and never cared about self-interest. The boss was very satisfied with her and told the person in charge of hiring at the factory, "Please keep an eye out for me. I want to hire whoever practices Falun Gong, and that person won't be underpaid."

Last year I went back to my hometown in northeast China to be with my sister-in-law who was recovering from surgery in the hospital. I told her to recite "Falun Dafa is good." The patient next to her had been watching me, and so I turned to clarify the truth to her. She told me about her granddaughter, who had been critically ill when she was only a few months old. After her daughter would bring her child over to see this patient, she would take the child over to her neighbor's house. This was in 1998. Her neighbor was a young man who practiced Falun Gong. He practiced the exercises daily and always played the exercise music. Every day the child went to his home to listen to the music, and her illness miraculously improved. After seeing her health improve, her daughter took her home. Before she left, she said that she thought her child never would have survived. I said to this patient, "It was Falun Gong and Teacher that saved your granddaughter." I also suggested that she recite "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," and by doing that, her illness would be healed. After my sister-in-law heard this story, she firmly believed in Dafa.

Today, I clarified the truth to a sanitation worker at a supermarket. She knew a man in his 40s who practiced Falun Gong and found him to be a very nice person. Once I began to talk to her, she made the "Three Withdrawals" (withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers) immediately.

In the evening, I went out to clarify the truth to a person who drives a three-wheel bicycle. She said that she had been detained before and was held at the same place as two practitioners. She said that they were just like I was: when they spoke, they sounded very compassionate. She stated that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) was truly evil and that it only persecuted good people. At the end of our conversation, I told her to remember "Falun Dafa is good" and share it with her family. She said that she would certainly share it with her husband and two daughters.

As long as we follow Teacher's requirements strictly, we should be able to validate Dafa's magnificence. For practitioners who have not stepped forward, please do as soon as possible! If you still don't want to step forward, it will be too late when the time comes.

Let's remember Teacher's words:

"Things at present are different from in previous years, and this year is different from last. And the present is different from even the first half of this year." ("Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005")

"As Dafa disciples, you have seen the changes in the status of Fa-rectification, and you have seen how society looks at and understands Dafa disciples and the changes along those lines. The changes in the overall situation are related to the situation of Fa-rectification as a whole, and are directly related to the tremendous impact that Dafa disciples have had in validating the Fa." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles")