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Recent Facts about the Persecution in Yun County, Hubei Province

September 19, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Around August 1, 2008, using the pretense of "maintaining security for the Olympics," officers from Yun County Police Department as well as officials from the 610 Office in Shiyan City, Hubei Province, arrested practitioners Mr. Li Xinyi, Mr. Guo Shanwen, Mr. Pei Cheng, and Mr. Tang, and detained them in Hua Township in Yun County.

Mr. Li Xinyi, 58, was an employee of the Yun County Chemical Fertilizer Factory. After the factory went bankrupt and the government didn't help with unemployment, he began a shoe repair business to make a living. His recent arrest has left his wife and daughter with great financial difficulties. His daughter, Li Yingying, attended college in Wuhan City. Back in 2001, she went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was arrested. From that point on, officials from her college, the 610 Office, the detention center, the police department, and the brainwashing center relentlessly persecuted her because she refused to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Eventually, after repeated torture and abuse, she lost her memory, became mentally disordered, and needed to be taken care of by another kind and talented college student. She still has not regained her health.

Mr. Pei Cheng, about 40 years old, is an amputee who lost both hands. He worked hard to open a store to make a living. His wife and his son eagerly wait for his release.

On August 19, CCP officials took practitioner Ms. Li Rong, who lives in Village One in Lanjiagang, Liupo Town, Yun County, to the brainwashing center. Ms. Li is 54 years old. She has been arrested six times. She has two children. Her son, Mr. Zhu Feng, was in Qinduankou Prison for five years. He was scheduled to be released on April 25, 2007. In anticipation, his parents traveled a thousand miles from Wuhan City to Shiyan City to pick him up. However, officials from the county, the prison, and the 610 Office deceived everyone and took Mr. Zhu to the notorious Erdaopeng Brainwashing Center in Wuhan City. His parents were very disappointed and sadly returned home.

Ms. Li Rong's husband, Mr. Zhu Fangguo, 56, has never practiced Falun Gong. Nevertheless, he has been arrested three times. He was sent to a detention center in 2001. Then, in 2003, he was sent to a brainwashing center. In March 2007, he was taken to the brainwashing center again simply because his son, who had finished his five-year term on April 25, was about to go home. His three arrests were the result of the CCP policy of "implication."

Related article: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2008/8/24/100095.html

September 2, 2008