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Ms. Li Fengzhen Taken to Mental Hospital in Tangshan City (Photo)

September 16, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the Minghui.org website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net).

Li Fuguo and Wang Min led seven to eight police agents from Tanghai County to break into Ms. Li Fengzhen's home at about 5 p.m. on June 10, 2008. They forced her into a police car and took her away. They searched her home afterwards.

Ms. Li Fengzhen

Ms. Li Fengzhen was detained in Tanghai County Detention Center. She was terrorized, unable to eat. On June 25, 2008, after failing to extort her family, Li Fuguo and Wang Min extorted 4,000 yuan from her husband's workplace. Then, they took her to a mental hospital in Tangshan City where she was detained for eight days. Her current situation is unknown. The police in Tanghai County did not notify her family. Ms. Li remains detained.

Mr. Li Enying, her brother, died as a result of persecution nearly one year ago.

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